This a traditional letter column.
You are encouraged to write a letter of comment on anything that you
find worthy of comment. It will (may) be published in this column along
with my reply. As editor I reserve the right to delete material;
however I will not alter the undeleted material. E-mail to me that solely
references the contents of this site will be assumed to be publishable
mail. All other e-mail is assumed to be private. And, of course, anything
marked not for publication is not for publication. Oh yes, letters of
appreciation for the scholarly resources provided by this site will be
handled very discreetly. This page contains the correspondence for
April 1999.
Looking at your essay on radiocarbon dating –
The accuracy and precision of radiocarbon dating has been greatly improved in
the last few years, and more distant dating can now be done.
The old method depends on radioactive decay of radiocarbon atoms, a slow
process when the isotope has a half life of 5000 years.
The new method depends on mass spectrometry, so that the carbon 14 atoms don’t
need to undergo radioactive decay in order to be counted.
There’s also been some recent improvement in mass spectrometry of the stable
isotope carbon 13, which is not a product of radioactive decay or irradiation.
I wish I was more up to date on all of this. Been a LONG time since I took
physics in college!
The essay, BTW, is by John Stockwell rather than by myself.
The problem with old (>50,000 years) dating isn’t one of accuracy, it is one
of background contamination. That’s the big bugaboo in radiocarbon dating,
that and reservoir effects.
From: Paul Carnie
I am from and work in Scotland, just thought I’d let you know how much I
enjoy your site and what a laugh I had testing my workmates out with your
densa quiz. Cant quite remember how I found your site but added it to the
favorite list right away. Havent got round to reading your prose and poems
yet, I dont really have time for that at work, but once I get set up at home
I will. The radio joke is a classic though.
keep it up
PS: See http://richardhartersworld.com/cri/1999/coedscot.html
I’ve got one more, I’ve got one more…
Martin Berner, 62, a rich industry boss has a nice hunting-cottage in
the German Black Forrest. Since several month he noticed that some
thieves came into the cottage took expensive wines, carpets etc. with
them but they never left a trace of violence at the doors or windows.
With no traces of violence at doors and windows the insurence refused
to pay.
After long thinking Berner decided that there must be just one way to
get into the cottage without a key and a damage: The very narrow
chimney. This explains why any time he came to the cottage a door or
window was open, without any damage.
“Now my friend I’ll get you” thought Berner and let install a steel
grid right at the bottom of the chimney over the fireplace, so noone
can come in anymore! Yet someTHING still could come in: Next time
Berner visited his cottage, knowing everything must be o.k. he opened
the door and a terrible smell was in there, comming right out of the
open fireplace…
From: Bert)
I didn’t go to Harvard
either and I still know what I like. Besides
The Onion
your site is the funniest. I’m a pretty good story teller myself, and can
relate to the problem of beig repeticious. Being a hick from Tn. you can
assume I have shit for brains and your not to far off because I keep looking
back at myself and do look dumb. Having a hick perspective I enjoy your sicker
humor. An example is the
restaurant review
where the fellow had a hard time
with shit. I have gotten good milage with that. I think there is more of that
kind of stuff, but I can’t find enough.
From: Ryan and Nikki Guess
You were doing pretty good in your response to the question until you
stated evolution is fact and also that there was no flood. According to
your own statements about science and scientists, you have contradicted
yourself. In the case of evolution, it is still opinion. You would like
the world to believe it is fact, but no monkeys have become men, no fish
have crawled out of the water and no snakes have grown wings and flown
away! As to a world wide flood, just the statement that shell fish have
been found in large enough quantities on the highest mountain tops
deserves a pretty good cover-up, oh, I mean, an explanation. I don’t have
time to debate the entire subject, just wanted to comment.
I love your web site. Thank you for putting out such a wonderful effort! I
find it to be fun, sexy, irreverent….much like me! Keep up the good work.
From: Roy Greene
I would like to thank you for your highly entertaining web page.
As a person who’s formal education stopped with high school , I have tried
to “broaden my horizons” and in the process have been accused of turning my
mind into a trash basket of trivial facts, figures, and anecdotes .
After finding your web site, it is gratifying to see that higher education
would not have changed things a bit. i.e.: that you must appreciate life’s
underlying vein of humor, the fact the humanity can be dumber that you give
them credit for , and a bottle of scotch can improve most things.
Thanks again and keep up the good work .
From: Dirk Kraus
Hi, I must say that I have just seen a fraction of what is on your site,
but in any case it seems rewarding to explore it a little further.
the “who was that” joke is an anecdote about Bertrand Russel, swimming
with his colleages in the river CAM.
From: Bob RichmondIndex of contributors
Other Correspondence Pages
Date: 3/17/99
Subj: radiocarbon dating
Thanks for writing. I think that the mass spectrometry method is about a dozen
years old at this point. It considerably improves the accuracy of measurement
and reduces the required sample size. The main thrust of the essay is about
the calibration of radiocarbon dating so a history of improvements in accuracy
is not essential to the essay. It would be a good point to mention though.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 3/19/99
Subj: Makes me Laugh
Thanks for the kind words. My site offers many hours of diversion when you
just can’t bring yourself to trim your toenails and are desperately looking
for something else to do.
Return to index of contributors
From: Joachim Wolf
Date: 3/22/99
Subj: one more
I’m not sure that this comes under the Darwin Awards or stupid people tricks
or what. Climbing down a chimney when you can’t climb up isn’t too bright.
It’s a good story, though.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 4/1/99
Subj: Web site
But, but, but, I didn’t mean to create one of the funnier sites on the web.
It just happened, somehow.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 3/30/99
Subj: Reply to anwer
Congratulations. In one brief paragraph you have managed to capture the
essence of creationist dweebery. I am pleased (but not surprised) that you
have no time to debate the entire subject; I don’t debate crackpots and
crackpottery in private email. When I want to see what the ceramically
challenged are up to I browse the talk.origins newsgroup where paragraphs
like yours are regularly posted and just as regularly are dissected in
Return to index of contributors
From: Nansi Heckler
Date: 3/30/99
Subj: Hi Richard
Take Care, and God Bless…..Nansi
Glad you like it. All of the best people are fun, sexy, and irreverent. I
try to be fun, sexy, and irreverent too.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 3/24/99
Subj: Thank You
Somehow I doubt that my web pages are any evidence for the value of higher
education. The way I look at it runs something like this: On the royal road
there is a temple of learning wherein acolytes and scholars peruse and debate
the established wisdom of the ages. I live in the building next door over.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 3/23/99
Subj: Your site
I’m sure there must be something in there that is worth reading.
some comments, although I am sure you can live without:
I’m not sure which anecdote we are talking about here.
Waiting for Godot in a different way is indeed the correct translation
for “Warten auf Godot auf verschiedene Weise”, although the original has
a slight anachronistic touch to it, “auf verschiedene Weise” would not
be used in common german.
My German is compromised by the fact that it has been decades since I
studied it in college. I discovered how limited it was when I was in
Hanover on a business trip and discovered that I needed to buy shoelaces.
I only have fragments of Deutsch left – useful phrases such a “man saugt
sumpfwasser” and “Ach! Der hochsheitangeletenheiten!” which I can pronounce
correctly to the amusement of German friends (but probably not spell
correctly anymore.)
Remarkable is the fact that AltaVista, in fact SYSTRAN, produced a
reasonable translation. I suggest the experiment to take a well known
text (a prayer, declaration of human rights etc.) an let it translate to
german and back to english again. repeat this a couple of times an not
only is the result as far from the original that nobody would recognize
it, but quite often there is a poetic touch to some phrases. When we
learned in probability theory that an chimpanzee could produce “Hamlet”
given a typewriter and a couple of zillion decades, we didn’t expect the
ape to be systran.
I believe it is a standard game. One shouldn’t fault the machine too much;
people aren’t too accurate in their transliterations either. I don’t know
if you are familiar with the telephone game. You gather a number of people
together and arrange them in a circle. One person composes a message and
writes it down. He then whispers it to his neighbour who in turn whispers
it to his neighbour and so around the circle. When it gets back to the first
person the original and final versions are compared. The game is quite simple
but the degree of change is illuminating.
Return to index of contributors
This page was last updated April 4, 1999.
It was reformatted and moved December 16, 2004.