This a traditional letter column.
You are encouraged to write a letter of comment on anything that you
find worthy of comment. It will (may) be published in this column along
with my reply. As editor I reserve the right to delete material;
however I will not alter the undeleted material. E-mail to me that solely
references the contents of this site will be assumed to be publishable
mail. All other e-mail is assumed to be private. And, of course, anything
marked not for publication is not for publication. Oh yes, letters of
appreciation for the scholarly resources provided by this site will be
handled very discreetly. This page contains the correspondence for
April 2006.
From: Tnaught
Mr. Harter, If you don’t mind my asking….what are your credentials?
I also carry subscriptions to Nature and Science, and at a less formal
level, Scientific American, Discovery, and Science News. For what it
is worth I have published a few papers in Geophysics and in Computer
Science. I also have put together a number of web pages that are
regularly used as resources in university courses.
Is this what you wanted to know?
From: buzz brandt
You can’t duplicate restaurant-style (e.g., Giordano’s) deep dish pizza
using your recipe. A good formula is 3TBS (not tsp) oil/1 cup flour
(Giordano’s uses a canola/olive oil blend, which is probably about 95%
canola), and knead only two minutes.
From: Kurt Ward
door accomplish alcmena parcel showboat reside nitrogen nu tortuous
haughty buzzy goldfish tome winston osullivan contraceptive bethel
bedridden sean mnemonic berkelium cheesy endothermic aerobic hewn ova
rockabye applicant spider compline danzig rude myth aerodynamic diana
electronic granola mask
From: catarinapmachado
your name is wrong
From: Anthony R. Lewis, PhD, FN
You state:
It is a private zoo and said to be the “best little zoo in the world.” A
woman was animal wrangling for a documentary on local animals and by the
time the film was finished they were semi-tame and couldn’t survive in the
wild. She decided there was a need for a zoo to keep them in their native
habitats. They now get animals that are born in captivity, found damaged, or
seized by the government from illegal animal traders.
They have ocelots, jaguars, pumas, and also non-feline animals. There are
tapirs and peccaries and other unpleasant looking creatures. Birds include a
stork, a hawk-faced eagle, and a harpy eagle which is huge; it is the
largest of the eagles. While we were going through the zoo one of the women
on the tour was standing under a tree when a howler monkey did what monkeys
often do. We were all careful not to step in it. I got some Belize coins at
the store as cheap souvenirs as well as some ice cream.
How are the zoos in Hyde county?
We have a nice zoo in southern Hyde county. Currently it has 1440 acres
of native prairie with another 800 acres being added in the near future.
(I forget whether it will be in 2007 or 2008.) It is strictly a native
ecosystem zoo, though. There are no cages for the animals – they are
allowed to roam free. I admit that this is less convenient for the
ecotourists; you have to walk a ways to see the animals, and there is
always the chance you won’t see any at all. Cages are really much more
convenient for the tourist; more than that, the animals get rather better
medical care in zoos than when they are on their own.
Another inconvenience is that there is no ice cream stand at the zoo.
However there is one in nearby Highmore where they will give you real
South Dakota coins in change.
All things considered, you probably made the right choice. South Dakota
has a distinct shortage of ocelots, and pretty much everything else.
Not exactly an average Bostonian–a mean Bostonian
From: Roberta Welden
I wanted to thank you for adding my essay to your site. I feel privileged
as I see not everyone receives such an honor, it is greatly appreciated.
Now, before you need a Head Transplant I have this to say. With the
electrician problems, gophers (moles whatever), and everything else I’m sure
it was an oversight omitting the web links. So I send them to you once
again. You can post them on your site or choose not to…my feelings will
not be hurt.
From: Dave Weaver
Great story, fun site.
I was in the Old Corps, though it would have been “not even a gleam in
your DI’s eye” Corps when I went through San Diego in ’79.
It looks like we shared the same squadron, the radar you speak of sounds
like the AN-TPQ-10, for the ASRT, in a MASS unit. I did a little time
in the ASRT, but mostly I was a DASC-eteer, as an operator, not a tech.
Thing I loved about that gig was that one spent about 75% of the time in
the field living in muck, and the other 25% trying to wash the muck off
so as to find women and whiskey. And, that there are never more than
about 100 Marines in the entire Corps with my MOS.
One thing is for sure – from the time you were in to my experience, not
a dang thing seems to have changed about the basic attitude. Not so in
the Army:
Word has it that today’s crop of recruits makes for an even higher
quality Corps, with higher enlistment standards, better retention rates,
etc. And that is good news indeed.
I dunno about the army’s kinder, gentler boot camp. It makes sense,
I suppose. The army needs a lot of clerks and truck drivers. I don’t
think it would do for the Corps, though.
Good hearing from you.
From: Bswerver
your wrong Sidious knew about anakin all along.Sidious’s master
Darth Plagueis taught sidious how manipulate the midichlorines to
create life but did’nt teach sidious how to bring dead people
back to life plagueis took that to his grave.anyway once sidious
knew how to create life he did’nt need plagueis anymore sidious
killed plagueis shortly after that.with his new found power
sidious could finally put his plan into manipulating
the midichlorines in a slavegirl named shmi skywalker
unfortunately sidious did’nt realize that he was bringing about
the prohpecy of the chosen one.
So you see it was all a carefully laid plan created by Sidious.
I’ve read the novelizations of the six movies but not the various Star
Wars novels, so I’m sure what the canon is. This is my take:
One thing to remember is that we can’t rely on what Sidious tells
Anakin. It seems clear that the Sith (either Plagueis or
Sidious) manipulated the midichorians to produce the Chosen One.
From the Sith’s viewpoint “bringing balance to the Force” meant
the Sith taking their turn at being in power. However the Sith
didn’t necessarily know where Anakin was or who he was – all they
needed to know was that the chosen one had been born and that
he would come to the attention of the Sith in due course.
Ross TenEyck’s article reads pretty well except for not guessing
that the Sith created the Chosen One, and for not recognizing that
Sidious would be after revenge as much as power. Sith creating
the Chosen One was an act of the plot gods, no blame for missing
it. Revenge as a primary motive was forseeable; after all when
Luke Skywalker shows up on the scene the Jedi have been destroyed.
What goes around comes around.
What we don’t know is whether Sidious had the the whole plan laid
out in advance. I don’t think he did. Presumably he had a handle
on the future – he could foresee a lot. However getting there would
take a lot of intermediate planning.
By the way, may I suggest that you work on improving your written
English? Failing to use standard punctuation and capitalization
makes your writing harder to read. More than that, many people
will judge your intellect and your ideas by the defects in your
prose. It is quite unfair, but there it is.
From: ken
This few day i cant recevied , below is the error message
您的服务器意外终止了连接。其可能原因包括服务器出错、网络出错或长时间处于非活动状态。 帐户: ‘’, 服务器: ‘’, 协议: POP3, 服务器响应: ‘+OK 4936 octets’, 端口: 110, 安全(SSL): 否, 错误号: 0x800CCC0F
In any event I didn’t send you any messages. If you thought you got one
from me it probably was from some spam program or virus that forged a third
party email address.
From: Chris
I was looking for some information on the process of aging and have found
some conflicting explanations. I have read information from one website
that insists there may be only a few genes responsible for aging. This
does not seem to take into account the full complexity of the aging
process. Instead of associating aging with only a few genes, most of the
material I have read implies that aging is ingrained in human biology and
depends on many gnes in a very complex way. To me, it seems that an
importnat component of aging is the production of free radicals. Free
radicals seem to be produced mainly in the human metabolic system.
Metabolism idepends on thousdands of enzymes, and the enzymes are created
by the protein instructions of thousands of genes. Thus, it would seem
that rather than depending on a few genes aging must depend on thousands
of diferent genes. Any attempt to alter the human metabolic system
genetically and change the aging process would likely be disastrous due to
the interconnected functioning of metabolic processes. Could you provide
me with help on this issue? Does aging depend on a few genes (say perhas
ten or twenty) or on thousadns of genes? I am sure it is difficult to
identify genes “for” aging, but is there some general theory on how aging
depends on genes?
There is the thesis that the number of the cell duplications of
non-stemcells is limited to about fifty generations because of telomere
shortening. I don’t know what the current status of that is.
The ‘few genes’ probably refers to genes governing aging as a
developmental process. Aging is not inevitable. Reptiles and fish
do not age as such – they just keep growing until the accidents of
life kill them. I would guess that the aging cycle has to do with
stopping growth, but I really don’t know.
We humans do seem to have a potential lifespan of about 120 years
if nothing goes wrong. There is a lot that can go wrong though.
You have to be lucky and not catch a fatal disease, have a fatal
accident, or live an overly stressful life. Even then you have
to have the right genes – there are many gene alleles that don’t
affect the young but do cripple the elderly.
Your point about free radicals is correct. There is the general
problem that complex multi-cellular systems (e.g., us) accumulate
damage – the task of fully repairing such systems may be beyond
the capability of any genome.
From: Peter Neilson
Didn’t test the others.
Indeed, because your site allows a file listing, viz.,
OTOH South Dakota appears in the news every now and then.
It produces failed Democratic candidates for President
(Hubert Humphrey and George McGovern), large carved faces
in mountains, buildings that don’t quite fall down, and
the righteous (and rightful) indignation of the ACLU.
You might well argue that the news items about South
Dakota are mere fabrications that are made up by the
media on slow news days. To this argument I have no
From: Michael Dobrov
It is obvious that a theory of evolution must play a fundamental role in
the development of biology and anthropology. But where does evolutionary
theory lie in? There is a dominating opinion in biology that evolutionary
theory is all but a theory of natural selection. Genetic changeability in
the population and natural selection are no doubt proved facts. And
natural selection theory is good at explaining origin of diversity of
animal and plant species. But evolution is not so much an origin of
diversity of animal and plant species as a transition from low to high
forms of animals. If evolutionary theory is treated the same as natural
selection theory, transition from low to high forms of animals turns out
to be accidental and devoid of laws. Thus, treating evolutionary theory
the same as natural selection theory leads to negating existence of laws
of transition from low to high forms of animals and hampers possible
development of evolutionary theory, and also of biology in general and
anthropology. Anyway, at this stage of scientific development there is no
ground for treating evolutionary theory the same as natural selection
theory. In full accordance with genetics and natural selection, we would
like to draw your attention to two additional factors which can play an
immense role in the evolutionary process. First, it is known in biology
that most vital traits of animals have preadaptation in ancestral forms of
these animals. Now admit that there are very important traits of animal
behaviour which are involved in the transition from low to high forms of
animals. And each of these traits has a corresponding preadaptation,
acquired in the course of evolution of organisms consisting of eukaryote
cells but having no nervous system. In other words, in the course of
evolution there is a consequent realization of several different
preadaptations, acquired even before emergence of the nervous system.
Secondly, admit that a new hereditary ability of behaviour is found in the
population of animals. And this new behavioural ability is so productive
that it gives a new direction to the natural selection. That is,
adaptation to ambient conditions begins anew, some animal species extinct,
but many new species appear, realizing this behavioural ability. Two
similar factors can take place in the evolution of cells as well. These
two factors depend upon one another, but they are different and it would
be wrong to think of them as providing together for a linear process.
Before proceeding any further, we would like to pose a question: “Why is
evolutionary theory treated the same as natural selection theory in
biology?” Because information about evolution is too scarce to provide a
ground for more complex scientific presuppositions. In our view, this is
connected with the fact that scientists are devided into specialists in
anthropology, animal behaviour, cell, mathematics, physics, chemistry and
so on. Evolution does not only exist at biological levels, it exists at
chemical levels and physical levels as well. Each branch of science tries
to handle its evolutionary problems within its own laws. And that is
right, but a larger view of scientific data may be also necessary to solve
evolutionary problems. We mean that evolution at biological levels, as
well as at chemical and physical levels can meet some general propositions
which allow to search for solution of evolutionary problems not at random.
For example, under closer consideration the abovesaid two additional
factors which may have relation to biological evolution follow from some
more general propositions which we have found when studying scientific
data concerning evolution at different material levels.
We can also describe hereditary behavioural abilities which are stages of
animal evolution as well as those hereditary behavioural abilities in
which a contemporary man is distinguished from animal world. With this,
all the abovesaid hereditary behavioural abilities can be proved by
examples of contemporary animal behaviour.
Just as a note, it no longer is true that “evolutionary
theory is all but a theory of natural selection”. Some authors
treat evolutionary theory in terms of natural selection; however
others regards genetic drift as the driving engine of evolution.
It’s a bit of a stretch to say that natural selection theory is
good at explaining the origin of diversity.
I would disagree (and I think that most evolutionary theorists
would disagree) that evolution is about the transition from
low to high forms of animals. Biological evolution is about
much more than that; broadly it is about understanding the process
of the diversification of the species of life and the changing of
their characteristics over time. There are so many ways the
question of evolution in the large can be approached, e.g., the
origin and diversification of the hox complex and complexity theory
applied to ecosystems. One of the difficulties is to accurately
describe and understand historical trends in the large; we simply
don’t know enough.
I am not quite sure where you are going with preadaptation. It is
generally assumed (sometimes with evidence and sometimes as a matter
of logic) that the evolution of novel traits is preceded by
preadaptation. I am sure you aware that theory says such preadaptations
are adaptations for existing traits that turn out to be useful for
the development of novel traits. Evolution has no foresight.
I don’t think it is quite accurate or fair to say that: “If evolutionary
theory is treated the same as natural selection theory, transition from
low to high forms of animals turns out to be accidental and devoid of laws.”
Natural selection theory in its own right explains how the selection process
works but it doesn’t account per se for what there is selection for.
Finally, most evolutionary theorists would look askance at the terminology
“lower and higher life forms”. Though the terms have a general sense
(we can distinguish between an amoeba and an armadillo) they have a bad
history of being misleading.
I hope this is of help and I thank you for writing.
From: Roberta Welden
I think it would have added insult to injury had the young women used his
“bomb” to call 911?
By the way, the house project is coming along nicely. Now if I can just
get the electrician to show up….
From: Peter Neilson
In a moment of lapsis sanitatis [Did I get that right?
I’m *not* going to look it up.] I chose to re-re-read
your review of Varinoma’s book on Rand, and again I
thoroughly enjoyed it. You get altogether too many
hostile letters from Rand’s fans who seem to have swallowed
her writings without acquiring even the tiniest bit of
her critical abilities or sense of humor. Hence this
note, as a small antidote to the poison sent you by those
who I would hate to call my friends even though I share
their admiration of Rand.
Whatever the merits and demerits of Rand’s works, they do have
the defect of attracting the sorts of persons who need to be
cultists with the ANSWER.
From: Chip Hitchcock
I’m curious about the introduction, which I read as saying not
much has changed since 1976. In fact the gentrification has gone
a lot further: more bookstores have closed (and the SF bookstore
has moved to Central Square); several smaller stores at the SE
corner of the main intersection were replaces with a chi-chi
chain — not Gap (they bracket, in Porter and Central Squares),
but something in that line (maybe Urban Outfitters?). IIRC, you
were last here in a very cold spell, so the punk collective in
the Pit (the depression where the central subway kiosk used to
be) may not have been there; see your comment on chic and exotic
From my perspective there hasn’t been much change in the tone of Harvard
Square since then. Yes, it has become more gentrified over time,
but that is a case of more of the same.
“Urban renewal” is the great American invention of the late twentieth
century. An area is converted into bricked paving, some street
entertainers and faux medievalism, and expensive chi-chi shops. It
is rather like an outdoor high end shopping mall with some theme park
I wouldn’t count Grendel’s Den as being cheap, at least not starving
student cheap.
I never got into the Davis Square scene. When I was living in Concord
I mostly went to the Brandeis theater with the occasional trip to the
Rep off Harvard Square. Theater in Highmore SD is, ah, limited.
From: Xxlilcj11xX
this s hard stuff i’m not even smart
From: Chip Hitchcock
There have been a few laws passed without gross excess — Massachusetts
enacted limits on floating of checks not long after you wrote this — but
it’s true the excesses of the Reagan bubble (and of the end stages of the
Clinton boom) produced spasms of legislation.
An interesting comment on the feigned Christianity of some businessmen.
(Others don’t even bother feigning….)
From: John Wong
Hi, Interesting site.
It was referred to by my newspaper on
the play but I couldn’t find it in your website. Can you assist?
It’s not about the play as such, it is about how the play
might be interpreted in various modes of criticism.
From: Chip Hitchcock
The eastern-SD county emergency manager is an arrogant jackass —
and that’s one of his better points. (He also has a weak concept
of a serious storm; around here two feet may be a lot but it’s
hardly a record, and afterwards nobody goes on about how much
more virtuous they are than people in New Orleans.) Perhaps he
should be pelted with iceballs, or presented with a house with
several feet of snow inside/, so that he can learn the
difference between a snowstorm and a flood.
As a side point I opine that you don’t quite appreciate the impact
of the storm in question. It was one of those combinations of
freezing rain followed by a blizzard followed by subzero weather.
Hundreds of miles of power lines, went down. People were without
power in a large area for days and in some cases weeks. Storms
like that happen elsewhere of course, but the impact on that
particular storm on the locals was severe for two reasons:
It was unusually nasty, and it was in an area where the infrastructure
is necessarily marginal.
The latter issue is easy for someone in an urban area to underestimate.
I have been through more than one northeaster and more than one Dakota
blizzard. Weatherwise they are comparable (Dakota weather is the
worse of the two – windier and colder). However high population density
means that there are one hell of a lot more resources for dealing with
the aftermath of storms.
… continued on next rock …
The humor is strained at best — especially given the image SD
is giving itself in the news recently, and similar statements
about Katrina from similar parts of the country.
The notion of “the image SD is giving itself in the news” is amusing
in its own right. SD appears in the news about as often as Belize
(and I wouldn’t be surprised if more Bostonians have visited Belize
than SD) and for much the same reasons. It is not even on the radar
screen – it just shows up as a noise blip now and then.
The converse is true. In SD the real news is what happens in the local
area, principally local sports and the weather. With the advent of TV
residents do see news of the outside world, but for most it has the
same impact as watching Oprah or going to the movies.
They mostly march to a different drummer here, and the music is usually
From: Ruth Arnett
Hello Jerry my husband and I watch your show Monday through
Friday.We are avid fans.we always make sure we are home in time to watch
your show.Jerry we are both medically retired,with all our medical problems
neither one of us can travel anymore.the one thing I would like to have is
an autograph from you and Steve plus could I get some Jerry beads.thank you
so much for your time.
From: Chip Hitchcock
Your assessment was kinder than that of others in our area. An essay in
Mythologies said the characters were not only wooden puppets but
unbelievable; there was a report that Pournelle tried to lead a boycott of
Boskone after his bad-tempered response to the essay got dissected. Your
Carolina Conscience is also behind — in the penultimate paragraph “life
life” should probably be “like life”.
I expect that you can make a case that the characters were unbelievable
wooden puppets but that doesn’t strike as a particularly serious complaint.
There is very little science fiction or indeed fiction of any sort that
isn’t open to a similar charge.
I shall see if I can sneak in a correction before my Carolina Conscience
catches up with me.
From: Kyris Betheley
for school info, where could you find Unobtainium Conundrum, which
wholesale company sales it, and what products is it used in?
PS: You probably shouldn’t use this information in a school essay.
From: Chip Hitchcock
“Most of us, perhaps, would be hard pressed to spend $100 on a dinner for
In any major city, try a big-name steakhouse or ask anyone with elementary
Google-fu to find places. It’s certainly possible to get a good — even
exceptional meal for less, but it’s easy to spend that much.
True enough — IIRC, on that date the Blue Strawbery
(which I expect you remember) was charging $20 for a
“6-course 9-dish” dinner.
From: Sam Hine
(re: article appearance)
That would be perfectly fine and acceptable. My hope in distributing this
piece was to start a discussion. And I know Mr. Arnold would be
delighted. Could you send me a link if/when it appears?
From: Miroslav Provod
I was surprised when I received one of the final answers from the known
physicist who alerted me that the energetic raster that I’m describing on
my website in the graph no. 6 looks similarly to the ether that was
reprobated by Einstein. I had never thought like that because Albert
Einstein laid ether definitively down from physics. The hypothesis that
brings back the thought about the existence of ether, is indirectly
confirmed also by the very difficult to explain fact that the radio
transmission on the Earth is worse during the in-line position of two or
more planets in our solar system, including our planet – the Earth.
We can easily imagine how great the decrease of intersections of spherical
rasters of planetary zones and interzones is during this “planetary
eclipsed” situation when the planets are located on one line. We can also
imagine the decrease of these virtual paths for the radiosignal on the
earth. If we totally accept Einstein’s hypothesis that is describing the
magnetic fields, we can’t explain this “radio effect” in full detail.
These and many other facts bring up a thought if Einstein could have
somehow been wrong with saying that ether doesn’t exist and if there could
be something we can’t register in space, which doesn’t interact with
gravity and what we can’t sense. Because of that we rather say it doesn’t
exist. But we really have some indices that suppoert the existence of
There are similar thoughts found by the learning of the antic scholars,
some of which haven’t been explained yet. 2500 years ago there was a
greek philosopher and grounder of the atomic theory of nature, Demokritos,
who said that matter consists of an unlimited amount of different
undivisible and unvisible small particles (atoms), which are moving in
empty space. This Demokrites’ thought about matter, to which nobody paid
much attention in the antics, wasn’s confirmed until our atomic physics.
About 20 years after Demokritos, a greek biologist, philosopher, doctor
and politician Empedokles, grounded the theory about four ever lasting
elements (fire, water, air and ground), and that all the things are
creating by mixing these 4 elements. Later, Aristoteles added a fifth
element to these four – ether. Ether was supposed to be some type of a
sea of a very soft nature, in which stars could move without any
resistance. Nobody knew how this medium looks like and also, nobody
proved it’s existence experimentally. Ether was thought to be
unimpugnable reality until the first half of the century, when
Einstein in connection with his research declared the word ether dead.
I started to understand the elements of the antic scholars, when I
connected them to the experiments. Fire, water air and ground are
important natural sources of cosmic energy, the omnipresent ether looks
like a conductor of cosmic energy. However, the four antic elements had
the same destiny as Demokrites’ thiught about matter – in the following
history they stayed unnoticed. The presumption that antic scholars used
kosmic energy and concentrated it, is confirmed by many architektonic
The existence of some energetic raster in space is also confirmed by the
fact, which was documented by optical satellites, that discharges from
thunderstorm clouds of potential 100 000 000 volts, don’t occur only
between the clouds or between clouds and the ground, but also between the
clouds and the other side, which means they are dirrected somewhere into
obscurity, from the Earth. How and where does this enormous energy go?
The cause and principal of this phenomenon hasn’t been explained yet.
Similar physical vacuum is related to the origin of enormous energy in the
form of up to 1000 times greater energetic discharges of lightning on
Saturn, which were documented by the Cassini probe.
The yet unexplained phenomena of natural character show us, that we
shouldn’t unambiguosly deny the existence of ether. What is the origin of
the conductivity of energetic raster? We don’t know the cause of the
condictivity, but we demonstrate it’s existence in many cases. There
seems to be a connection between ether and energetic raster, that it’s
just one phenomenon that is designated by two names.
Index of contributors
Other Correspondence Pages
Date: 4/18/2006
Subj: evolution
I don’t mind. I don’t have any formal credentials in the field of
evolutionary theory. However … I have a rather large library. It
includes popular science expositions, e.g., the works of people like
Gould and Dawkins, and rather more serious works such as monographs
and collections of significant papers.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 4/16/2006
Subj: Pizza
I’m guessing that you are referring to
Pete McCutchen’s recipe.
I haven’t tried his
recipe personally, so I can’t argue the case from personal knowledge.
However I will say that three tablespoons of oil per cup of flour
sounds like a lot.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 4/15/2006
Subj: Where convulsive charitable
I take it that this is a recipe for word salad meant as a contribution
for my recipes section.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 4/12/2006
Subj: warning
Thanks for letting me know. I knew it wasn’t Wright,
but I kept thinking it was Dude.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 4/11/2006
Subj: Belize vs. SD
‘The notion of “the image SD is giving itself in the news” is amusing in its
own right. SD appears in the news about as often as Belize (and I wouldn’t
be surprised if more Bostonians have visited Belize than SD) and for much
the same reasons. It is not even on the radar screen – it just shows up as a
noise blip now and then.’
Suford and I were in Belize last April. There is a very nice zoo about an
hour out of Belize City on the road to Belmopan.
It sounds like a nice trip. There you are, though, the average Bostonian
is more aware of Belize than they are of South Dakota. Er, you are an
average Bostonian, aren’t you?
… continued on next rock …
I take it then that yours is not a standard deviation.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 4/7/2006
Subj: A Word Of Thanks
Sorry about that. I’ve added the links.
I’m happy to hear your “house work” is coming right a long. My new bathroom
tile is still in the box awaiting someone to arrive to lay it.
I have more than one project like that.
Deborah, could be right about the mole digging outside. Maybe you should
open the door and invite him in for dinner sometime, perhaps he’ll stop
digging. Or better yet, hire a sniper to be his friend.
A sniper for a “friend” – the very thing.
My husband is recovering nicely. He rode his Harley the other day and
enjoyed it very much. He still has awhile before he’s back to “normal”, as
it has only been a little over 3 months post transplants.
That’s good to hear.
BTW, I tried to email you from your site, and it didn’t work (hence
“tried”). I don’t know if they are paying you, but sometimes when I click a
link on your site it takes me to an EarthLink Ad . Got Me???
They’re not paying me, that’s for sure. The “Earthlink Ad” probably
is their broken link page. If you run into the problem again, I would
take it kindly if you would let me know about the bad link.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 4/5/2006
Subj: Nice USMC page!
Thanks much for the warm and fuzzies…
Dave Weaver
USMC 1979 – 1984
My memory is a bit on the rusty side but that sounds right. If I recall
correctly the radar was an AN-TPQ-10 and the analog computer was an
AN-MPQ-10. By your time the analog computer probably was digital and
may well have been something off the shelf.
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Date: 4/6/2006
Subj: darth sidious
I have the feeling that you’ve read
The Insidious Darth Sidious
by Ross TenEyck (written in 2001 after “The Phantom Menace”) but
not ”
Sith Love by me, written in 2005 after “Revenge of the Sith”.
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Date: 4/6/2006
Subj: please help me
I’m sorry, my browser/fonts doesn’t support those characters. Offhand they
look like unicode, but I don’t have the tables handy. Sorry about that
but I can’t read your error message.
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Date: 4/3/2006
Subj: Genetic mutation
I’m sorry, but I can’t help you all that much on this one. There is
a general argument that there is no selection for anti-aging genes.
That is, there is selection for living long enough to produce offspring
and rearing them. The first young you produce are the best because
(a) they are the ones you are most likely to live long enough to
produce, and (b) gamete mutations accumulate over time. Ergo there
is no selection against aging, or, rather, there is selection for a
vigorous youth.
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Date: 4/3/2006
Subj: accuracy?
I imagine that a lot of these are urban legends.
Lower Podunk Falls, Iowa :-: Why didn’t the pilot use
Pierre instead? It’s not very far from Lower Podunk
Falls. Oh, I think I understand. See the “Idaho”
item below.
Geography. You fly in an easterly direction from Minneapolis
to Chicago; you fly in a westerly direction from Minneapolis
to Pierre. The besides of which, everywhere is a long ways
from Pierre.
Your April correspondence at
seems to reach a 404.
lament.html 26-Jan-2006 13:20 4k
let06feb.html 14-Feb-2006 00:07 20k
let06jan.html 10-Jan-2006 02:20 24k
let06mar.html 29-Mar-2006 12:17 47k
louisiana.html 01-Jan-2006 22:51 3k
we observe that your April letters do not exist.
Can you confirm your observation? (Actually I overflowed
the space allocation; I had to move some stuff, a serious
pain in the tush.)
Idaho? Why Idaho? I’d had the very same thoughts
about South Dakota until I met ONE, that’s just O-N-E
solitary person who claimed to be from there. Now
he claims to have moved back to there, but how can I
be sure?
You can’t of course; if you are referring to the chap
I think you are, he is a notorious scoundrel who will
make up anything at all if it amuses him. I wouldn’t
trust a word he says.
flynnd has reported finding “THe third of tghese” and
“the number depends on the rtio of called to called by.”
It also found “the upper hgalf called” and happily
reports it has no card reader, but thinks there is some
FIODEC paper tape in the attic with a copy of the source
code for Spacewar, hidden in a box behind the box full
>of old IMs and APAs:NESFA.
Flynnd is falling down on the job. I ran the offending
page through the spell checker. It found quite a few
unusual words. I wonder what a “tansition” might be.
Corrections will be uploaded in due course.
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Date: 4/4/2006
Subj: Evolution
I am probably not the right person to review your thoughts.
Your thesis is interesting but rather too vague for journal
publication. If you have access to the usenet news groups
(you can access them through google) you might consider
posting in
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Date: 3/26/2006
Subj: Bridal Shop Workers Resist Bandit
Oh indeed it would have. The sad thing is that one never thinks of these
things until after the fact.
In addition, about that mousetrap “dude”, I downloaded his manual and did
not see one mouse in it. I seem to recall you having declared you had
some evidence of a “few” members of the rodent family. Did you make one
and if so did it work? *grin*
Somehow it never occurred to me to make one. In any event the mice plague
has abated. Filling their royal highways with cement seems to worked.
However I now have a mole in the garden. Deborah claims that he is digging
outside because he can’t get in the house.
Okay, I am off to get a life now.
Better to get a life than to take one.
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Date: 4/1/2006
Subj: The Confessions of Ayn Rand
I confess ignorance about the linguistic propriety of
lapsis sanitatis. A search on google turns up nothing
and Babblefish doesn’t do Latin translations (a severe defect
in my opinion.)
Your selection of reviews of Varinoma books, lush though
it is, still does not seem to receive frequent contributions.
Do you happen to have a list of favorite titles awaiting
the reviewer’s attention?
Indeed I do. The webmaster at Varinoma Press seems to have
been quite remiss. Perhaps he takes his presidency of the
Oxnard Wine Tasting Club a bit too seriously. However I am
pleased to announce on behalf of Varinoma Press that they
offer the following works:
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In addition Varinoma Press in collaboration with the Texas Ahistorical
Society, plans to reissue the entire corpus of Calamity Jane Austin.
I look forward to the event. Austin’s novels are not just your ordinary
works of fiction.
Date: 3/29/2006
Subj: A Lament For Harvard Square
The cold spell was a Boskone/Blizzard – Deb and I were on the last
taxi to Cambridge. We’ve been back a few times since. They had this
big convention in Boston …
I suspect Hayes-Bickfords, like Charlie’s after it, closed partly
because it was not very good or interesting, as there are still
lots of good cheap eats (many of long standing) within a block or
so of the main intersection — cf Skewers, or Grendel’s. But the
Square as a whole isn’t what it was. (Was it ever?) The
atmosphere moved up the Red Line to Davis Square (site of the
long-gone original Steve’s Ice Cream); Davis still has a working
variety theater attached to its multiplex (the Harvard Square
movie theater sold its front and put screens on its stage in
1983), but even Davis (despite the academic effects of Harvard
and Tufts) is getting a little precious.
The immediate cause of closing Hayes-Bickfords (I believe it was
an HB) was the tripling of rents. The food wasn’t terribly good
but it was cheap. It was one of those places where you took a tray
and went up to a counter where they dished stuff out – not quite
a Horn and Hardart automat, but close to it.
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Date: 3/25/2006
Subj: hard
Not even smart? You should take pride in your work. You’re
not even dumb.
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Date: 3/29/2006
Subj: A Violation of Trust
That has been the general pattern over time. Every boom is accompanied
by excesses; in the aftermath we pass laws.
“And the prevailing ethos is and always has been that sharp practice and
working the angles is something to be achieved, not something to be rooted
There is a wonderful passage – I believe it is from Kierkegaard’s
“Attack on Christiandom” – in which he goes on about how the road to
salvation, once narrow, has become a great broad avenue. Today we
have Christian songs, Christian businesses, Christian politicians,
Christian peoples, Christian nations, and, indeed, even Christian
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Date: 3/25/2006
Subj: Waiting for Godot
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Date: 3/25/2006
Subj: January
Repeat after me:
On a cheerier note: thanks to the Lieberman, I knew the tune for
Tech Coeds without having heard the original; I sort of figured
it was a filk, but was nonetheless surprised when the tune showed
up on NPR in a segment about a farmer who built his own calliope.
I expect a number of Tech grads were amused.
Calamity Jane Austin is not a real person.
The USS Constitution (Old Ironsides) did not sail in 1779.
Kitty Litter Cake is not made out of kitty litter.
This is not the email address of
Adjust your sense of humor accordingly.
Chortle. Dead Marxists are turning over in their graves everwhere.
I wouldn’t try to sneak that sentence past a professor in a logic
and reasoning course if I were you.
I’m also not that impressed with losing power; my childhood home
outside DC lost power most winters due to wet snow, although usually
not for that long.
Try a week or two without power, living in a town with a few hundred
people, or in the country ten or fifteen miles from town on a gravel
road that won’t get plowed for several days after the storm. No
power means no heat unless you have your own generator. No heat
in sub-zero weather is not good.
wrt infrastructure, are homes really that short of stored supplies?
The household where I usually game puts away reserves each Fall
against a bad winter storm.
I don’t think you quite understand. Infrastructure resources are things
like power repair crews, snow removal removal crews, etc. Central South
Dakota has perhaps 200,000 people in an area somewhat larger than
New England, excluding Maine. It is one of the poorer parts of the
country; the tax base is low. There are more many more miles of
power line per person in central SD than in New England. Similarly
there are many more miles of road per person.
I also note that rural areas don’t have the ultimate urban nightmare:
running out of land (or in one famous Buffalo case, lake) into which
to push the snow when you’re trying to clear the roads.
Point taken, though it depends on what kind of snow moving equipment
one has. When I was a lad we lived along a gravel road eleven miles
out of town. When the first blizzard hit they would plow the road
and pile snow a couple of feet high in the ditches. When the second
blizzard hit it filled in the road two feet deep. When they plowed
the snow in the ditches was six feet high. When the third blizzard
hit the snow in the road would be six feet deep and they would be done
plowing for the winter. We got to town using a horse and sleigh and
driving across the prairie.
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Date: 3/26/2006
Subj: jerry
I’m sorry, my site has nothing to do with Jerry Springer. I don’t have
an email address for him but I’m sure you could reach him through the
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Date: 3/28/2006
Subj: MOTE
Chortle. I can picture Pournelle being indignant. I am confident, though,
that if you asked him, he would say that he got the best of the exchange.
He always wins these little debates, at least he does when he is reporting
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Date: 3/28/2006
Subj: unobtainium
The best source for Unobtainium Conundrum is in the interior of
black holes. However it can also be refined from the sediments
in containers of universal solvent. It is sold by General Products,
Inc. It is used in high precision equipment that requires military
grade atoms.
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Date: 3/28/2006
Subj: twinkies
Quite true. However the article was reprinted from a PN#7, circa 1978 or
there abouts, and the dollar purchased more then than it does today.
I should add a footnote to that effect.
Sigh. One really should save the menus from the very best
places to eat. I recall well enough that the Blue
Strawberry was wonderful, but I no longer recall what I
ate. What is the use of a great meal if you can’t savor
the memory.
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Date: 2/26/2006
Subj: opinion piece submission
Fair enough, it will probably appear in the April issue.
I will let you know when it appears and send along the links.
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Date: 3/5/2006
Subj: Antics and physics
This should answer Kierkegaard’s conundrum – where to
find ether ore.
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This page was last updated April 19, 2006.
It was moved January 9, 2008