table of contents
October 2000

A walk through the universe

“Let me show you the universe,” the young woman said.

She opened her hand and a glowing ball of light appeared in her palm. I leaned forward to look at it and it expanded before my eyes, breaking up into black voids and brilliant speckles of light. I leaned still closer and behold! One of speckles exploded into a miniature spiral galaxy, its center too brilliant for the naked eye. I focused on one of the spiral arms and let it expand before me, breaking up into clouds of dust and clusters of stars.

I leaned still closer and let one of the patches of stars grow ever larger until finally only one star was in view. “This one,” I said, “Let me see this one,” and I did. It swelled in my view until all the world was burning flame. It was too much and I looked away into the darkness where I saw stones alone in the night. I chose one, a small one not far from the burning star.

“This one,” I said, “Let me see this one”, and I did. It too swelled in my view. Blue and white it was and it had a dirty gray companion. I leaned closer and the blue and white world became all. Here and there amidst the blue there were patches of brown and green. I drifted down through the white clouds towards a border between the blue and green, drifted down until I saw the yellow lights of a city below at night.

I was almost there. Where I was I did not know but I knew that I was almost there. The city dissolved into streets and buildings, first small then larger as I drew close. One building grew to normal size. Through a window I could see a man and a young woman. Her hand was held forward and he had his face buried in her palm. I felt a desperate need to complete my journey, to rush forward and unite with the man, to merge into him, to complete my being.

And then the world went black and I jerked back. The young woman reached up and gently touched my blind eye.

“I am sorry,” she said, “I am so terribly sorry.”

This page was last updated October 1, 2000.
Copyright &copy 2000 by Richard Harter

table of contents
October 2000