Letters to the editor, October 2010This a traditional letter column. You are encouraged to write a letter of comment on anything that you find worthy of comment. It will (may) be published in this column along with my reply. As editor I reserve the right to delete material; however I will not alter the undeleted material. E-mail to me that solely references the contents of this site will be assumed to be publishable mail. All other e-mail is assumed to be private. And, of course, anything marked not for publication is not for publication. Oh yes, letters of appreciation for the scholarly resources provided by this site will be handled very discreetly. This page contains the correspondence for October 2010.
From: Raymond Kieth Dear Friend, My name is Mr Raymond Kieth, a Senior Staff and Regional Branch Manager here in our Bank, Bank of Africa, I am 40 Years of Age married with three kinds,It may interest you to hear that I am a man of PEACE. I only hope we can assist each other.I have packaged a financial Transaction that will benefit both of us,as the Regional Bank Manager, it is my duty to send in a financial report to my head Office in the capital City Abidjan at the end of December 2009. On the course of this last report, I discovered that my branch in which I am the manager made (Fourteen Million Two hundred Thousand United State Dollars [$14.2 Million Dollars] Which my Head Office, are not aware. Then I decided to place this fund on what we call SUSPENSE ACCOUNT without any Beneficiary. As an Officer of the Bank I can not be directly connected to this money, so this informed my contacting you for us to work so that you can assist me to receive this money into your bank account. I am willing to divide the total sum with you into two parts 50% each. Note, there are practically no risk involved, it will be bank to bank transfer, all I need from you is your honest and assistance to stand as the original depositor of this fund so that my Head office can order the transfer to your designated bank account. I will appreciate it very much. As soon as I receive your response I will detail you on how we can achieve it successfully. My dear, dear RaymondReturn to index of contributors
[snip cotton waste price list] We are also having other waste unclean like dropping lakerin filters , rags, clips cuttings all pc or pure cotton . Cotton Linters, Polyester wate and Pet scrap/waste cleaned or uncleaned and crushed or uncrushed in big quantities and yearly / monthly bookings as well. Also by virtue of supplying Raw Cotton and other cleaned waste to local spinners ; Wise versa we are getting cotton yarn from them for exports and local sales ; thus are exporting cotton yarn upto 20/1. Please inform your enquiries. Thks. PAKISTAN RICE BOTH IRRI TYPES AND BASMATTI TYPE (can offer you according to your requirements; pl inform us ) Assure you of our best services, timely replies/shipments and quality guarantee. Apparently I can’t pull the wool over my readers’ eyes so I’m looking into cotton. I want everyone to realize that Richard Harter’s World is definitely into globalization.Return to index of contributors
From: Ruth Kollman Good Afternoon, Mr. Harter. I have written a novel, entitled “MISSION CREEP,” in which one of the protagonists enlists in the U.S. Marines. I would like to use in my book a slightly edited version of your “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” vignette, which appears on one of your web pages (“A Few Good Men and Me,” http://richardhartersworld.com/cri_a/military/marine.html). An excerpt of where I propose to insert the text appears below. I find your description of the event very illuminating, and it particularly suits my character. Please let me know if you have any objection to my using your material in this way, and how we can arrange for me to properly credit your work on publication. I would be happy to email you a copy of the full manuscript for your review. My apologies for not answering sooner – life has too many little demands upon me and obligations have a way of skittering off into dark corners.Return to index of contributors
From: Jackie Yacenda I wanted to contact you about something I found via google on your site. You write about the eight great virtues in your article Return to the Empire. I am interested in getting a tattoo the represents the 1st virtue… Knowing one’s place in the world. But I have been stuck for a while trying to find a symbol that represents that or wording that will do that phrase justice. I really wanted to see if you had any suggestions or comments. My apologies for not getting back to you sooner. There are a couple of symbols that occur to me off hand. One is a jester wearing a crown. A similar one is a king (man wearing a robe and a crown) riding on a donkey but facing the wrong way.Return to index of contributors
From: Loz why one of the effects of evolution is that species will become better adapted t their environment? They won’t necessarily become better adapted – they might become extinct instead. The principle of natural selection is straightforward: The members of a species that are best adapted to the environment are more likely to survive and produce offspring. Therefore the next generation will be like the better adapted members of the last generation.Return to index of contributors
From: Darci Veola y y knotReturn to index of contributors
From: Audrey Lucas Your site has a lot of stuff! Indeed it does. Frightening isn’t it? I like to think that having a lot of stuff is a good thing. There isn’t anything in there about quilting though. Do you think I should have a quilting section?Return to index of contributors
From: Billy Waller
Hello Customer, And also i will like you to get back to me if you do accept credit card for this order transactions if yes let me know so that i can advice on how to proceed now. There is some mixup here; I’m not in the cattle chute business.Return to index of contributors
From: Peter Neilson The Theory of Intelligent Gestation that appeared suddenly in your zine contains an obvious typo. The rhesus monkey is spelled reces monkey. Clearly this should be recess monkey. That the identical error appears in the website from which you borrowed the article should be a clue and a warning. Always distrust false information that arrives via the Internet. I reprinted it as is with the permission of the author. In these matters my editorial duties end with the selection of material; correction and/or selection of typoes is the responsibility of the author.Have you ever considered what kinds of typos you would have if your zine were published in French? “Le Monde de M. Harter.” I can see it now. But I’m having trouble understanding it because my French is rusty. Or as they say in French, “Mon français est rouillé.” Or as W. C. Fields said, “Accent grave over the E.” Ah, so that is where I got the notion of a heading in French. I can see the reviews now: The language in M. Harter’s zine that purports to be French exemplifies the word “execrable”. … continued on next rock
Richard Harter wrote: In French as she are spoke in Redmond, that would be crable.exe, n’est-pas? Prefix file extensions went out with the TX-2, I think. Or earlier. Whirlwind didn’t have files. I believe we are talking about the early modcomp computers here. It had an uh, er, ah, unusual operating system. Almost everything was part of the editor, so exe crable would have been an editor command to execute crable. What was missing was a command to execute the OS designer. Return to index of contributors
From: Keeley Leigh tq Oh, you qt.Return to index of contributors
From: ILLUMINATI This is to let you know that you are respected by the Illuminati and we would want you to be part of us, this gives you endless opportunities to achieve any thing you want in life. you think u are famous and rich now ?be a part of us and see what happens to you in two months of joining us, the Illuminati are made up of great people you may know ,this include some of our leaders and business gurus that control the economy of the world, their names; we cant disclose to you now except you join ,not only will we disclose their names but you will get to meet them one on one .I have done the job sent to me by our elders ,the decision to join or not are yours to make, incase you are not interested please delete this message at once. But if you are interested reply this message with the word ILLUMINATI in capital letters and we will get back to you. Your offer sounds quite attractive; unfortunately I am not Bavarian. …The information in this mail is strictly for your consumption, don’t tell anyone else. thanks for your time. Rest assured; I have not said one word about this to anyone.Return to index of contributors
From: Peter Neilson My Esteamed Harter! Some years ago I received the following letter. I ignored it then, but I came across it recently and am re-ignoring it now by forwarding it on to you, where it may repose in your collection of similar Games of Slim Chance. Observe that the purported Ivory Coaster sends mail in French from Spain. What talent!
Neilson My dear, dear sir. English, (indeed all languages save, perhaps, Klingon) is hopelessly adequate for expressing the immensity of my gratitude for your offering.——– Original Message ——– Subject: VOTRE PAIEMENT Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 19:16:54 +0200 (CEST) From: Loterie Mondiale To: [email protected] *A votre aimable attention,* *Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncez que vous êtes l’un des heureux gagnants de la Loterie informatique pour l’expansion de L’Internet en Afrique .Une Loterie organisé par La Banque mondiale et Atlantique Banque Côte d’ivoire. Une loterie portant sur les adresses électroniques des internautes.* *La valeur totale mis en jeu est de 50.000 000 Millions de Dollars et votre Adresse email à travers laquelle vous recevez ce message a été tirée au sort par sélection informatique lors de notre premier Tirage annuel effectue la semaine dernière au siège de la Banque Atlantique de cote d’ivoire sis a Abidjan.* *Vous faites donc partie des Heureux Gagnants et votre gain est de 1.000.000$ de Dollars Américains.* *Pour entrer en possession de votre lot, Veuillez nous adressez exclusivement un courrier comportant : Votre Nom, Prénoms, Adresse complète, Numéro de Téléphone et Fax ainsi qu’une copie de votre Carte Nationale d’identité ou passeport en cours de validité.* *Apres quoi il vous sera expliqué comment entrer en possession de votre lot.* *Nous portons à votre connaissance que au moins 7% des lots attribués doivent être utilisé pour l’expansion de l’Internet dans un pays Africains et que dans trois mois une grande Tournée de vérification aura lieu .A l’issue de cette tournée le projet le plus significatif sera récompensé du prix spécial de la BANQUE MONDIALE AFRIQUE POUR LA PROMOTION DE L’INTERNET*
*Recevez encore toutes nos félicitations.*
¿Solo en vacaciones? Enamórate este verano.
From: Peter Neilson
Oh, how George Flynn would have enjoyed the fortunes and misfortunes of
Google Translate!
There are languages that no one expects.
Maitea, maitea jauna. Ingelesa, (izan ere hizkuntza guztiek gorde, agian,
Klingon) da hopelessly egokia immensity de adierazteko nire
Zure eskaintzen eskertzeko.
Bere prolixity guztiak zuenez, nolabait aitortu dut lehen behar dut
pentsatu izan duzula buruzko retitle dut nire orrian proposatu
Frantsesa. zure bidea ez da mezua, hala nola, edozein gauza iradokitzen
beka I
baina misreading testuak nire ama talentu bat da. Nolanahi ere, urtean
pentsatu bere kabuz hartzen ditu bere ikuskizunak.
Zer iruditzen zaizu web retitling hilero en nozioa duzu
beste hizkuntza bat? Agian datorren hilabetean izan zitekeela
Zailtasunak zailtasun, I aurreikusten bat dago ugari dira nahiz eta
Hizkuntza, asko erabiltzen ez alfabetatua erraz nire irakurleak ezagutzen.
Orduan ere, ez itzulpen zaila da. Babblefish ez dirudi
“Sarrera bat izan nahi Tagalog” ingelesez.
From: Mellisent Metzger
Eine tolle Figur bekommen sollte heutzu-tage leicht
sein und am Besten echt Spasss bringen.
Checken sie djese neuartige Herangehensweise und erfahren Sie, wie
problemlos es heutzutage ist neun K-i-l-o in einem Kalendermonat abzunehmen.
Hier erfahren Sie Sie Hinweise, um pr0blemlos eine gute Figur zu bekommen
ohne dabei Sport zu treiben.
Abnehmen, schnell und erfolgreich!
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Dr. Mellisent Metzger
From: Peter Neilson
Today’s Archie comic strip
Archie’s town and high school, Riverdale, is apparently Haverhill.
From: Lois Harter
Only 2 more days until Sept. 1 and you DID decree that September would happen.
Your concerned sister
Your concerned sister
I do not know which is more disturbing – the thought that you wrote without
having checked the website, the thought that you wrote having checked the
website, or the possibility of some mental disorder on your part as evidenced
by your verbal stuttering. I hope that this a transient thing of no
particular consequence.
Your quite concerned brother,
From: Lee R Piazza
Yes, the future perfect was always a problem. Sorry about your TAD, I’d
help but my Akkadian is rusty. HA HA, the spell-check doesn’t like
“Akkadian.” So you have a Time Machine? Can I take it out for a spin? I
love Paris every moment but I’d like to check it out in 1792-3.
As for spell checking Akkadian, my understanding is that the Akkadians
were black magicians. You can’t check their spells unless you have a
master magicianz licence.
… continued on next rock
Beat up! They were lucky!
What is really needed is a screen allowing one to look into the past–like
the geologists in “Times Arrow” thought the physicists were building. HA
HA jeep-tire-prints in the Mesozoic mud.
This message brought to you by the Lucy Van Pelt school of science.
From: Bob Wilson
This is Bob and I will like to order (Cattle Chutes).Do get back to me
with the types and cost for the ones you do carry and let me know if
there is an extra cost when using visa or master Card.Kindly get back
to me with your name Are you the sales manager or the Owner?
This page was last updated October 1, 2010. |