This a traditional letter column.
You are encouraged to write a letter of comment on anything that you
find worthy of comment. It will (may) be published in this column along
with my reply. As editor I reserve the right to delete material;
however I will not alter the undeleted material. E-mail to me that solely
references the contents of this site will be assumed to be publishable
mail. All other e-mail is assumed to be private. And, of course, anything
marked not for publication is not for publication. Oh yes, letters of
appreciation for the scholarly resources provided by this site will be
handled very discreetly. This page contains the correspondence for
September 2004.
Some of it is a little ancient; I’m slowly catching up – very slowly.
From: barrister roland umeh
Dear Richard Harter,
I am Barrister Roland, a solicitor at law, personal
attorney to Mr.P.B Harter,a national Of your country,
who used to work with Shell Development Company in
Lome Togo. Here in after shall be referred to as my
client. On the 21st of April 2002, my client, his wife
and their only daughter were involved in a car
accident along Nouvissi express Road. All occupants of
the vehicle unfortunately lost there lives.
[Remainder of the con email deleted]
From: Charles Hitchcock
(don’t think/ I’ve given you this….)
Pack a 1-iron.
Because not even God can hit a 1-iron.
From: Steve Schirripa
Just a comment on your inefficient sorting page:
You stated that O(N * N!) = O(N!). I do not believe this is correct.
If it were true, then for all n >= k for some constant k, there would
be some constant c such that:
N * N! <= c * N!, implying:
N <= c, which cannot be true for arbitrarily large N.
In fact, when you get into the exponentials, changing of base matters,
unlike when you discuss O(log N). This is analogous to multiplying N!
by N, which seems insignificant compared to the N!.
The O() notation isn’t quite as useful as it might be when we’re
talking about exponentials and hyperexponentials. For
polynomials and exponentials we have
Thanx for the correction.
From: James Chase
I like the site. As a suggestion, perhaps you could refer people to
Gould’s Hen’s Teeth and Horse’s Toes as well as Panda’s Thumb – that’s
where his case is most fully set out in his essay collections.
From: Yvette
Mark Ventimiglia
is a bigot and is NOT to be respected!!!!!! he is a
terrible hypocrite. go to
and see for yourself!
From: Glenn H Reid
While I enjoyed your Part I, my appreciation was less than 100% because of
two errors in grammar: 1) “have ridiculed US scientists,” not we, and 2)
“had to have occurred OFFAL damn fast.” Did you mean “awfully?” Am sure
you know the meaning of “offal.”
Believe me, I am in synch with you on the whole subject of Biblical
literacy and salute you.
As to “offal”, Gary Bohn is given to “offal” puns. It
would officious to off his awful offal.
From: Don at Lightspeed
Hey amigo your site is looking good and obviously getting larger.
I’ll mention your site again in my next issue.
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Other Correspondence Pages
Date: 8/21/2004
Subj: SPECIAL REQUIEST/ Richard Harter
I thought that using my last name was a nice touch.
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Isn’t the Nigerian Scam a variant of the Spanish Prisoner con?
Date: 5/18/2004
Subj: re golf hazard
How do you protect yourself from lightning on a golf course?
Life had been good up to now, but I thank for sending it.
It was really quite thoughtless of you.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 9/4/2004
Subj: Inefficient sorting algorithms comment
Oops, quite right. Mea culpa.
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O(f(n+1)) = O(f(n))
but this doesn’t hold for “big” functions like factorials.
Date: 9/8/2004
Subj: Piltdown and Gould
Good suggestion. When I get to it I will add the reference.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 8/30/2004
Subj: suggestion
Thank you for your letter. It has been entered in the “flakiest letter
of the year” contest where I am sure it will receive the honors it
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Date: 9/9/2004
Subj: Noah
As it happens, I am the publisher and not the author of
“How the flood really happened”; Gary Bohn is the author.
Be that as it may, I am puzzled as to where you found
“have ridiculed US scientists” in the text. The closest
thing I can find is “ridiculed we poor creationists” in
the second paragraph. Can it be that you are reading my
web site from a different space-time continuum?
Return to index of contributors
Date: 8/23/2004
Subj: A former contributor
It does that. The web is the intellectual scrap heap of the
collective mind of humanity. I’m doing my part to help it grow.
I’m no longer editing the pages of or writing an ezine for
them. In the vernacular of American business, I got “downsized”.
Funny old country, America. People get supersized and downsized all at
the same time.
I moved some of my tutorials and my favorite freeware list to my personal
site and got myself a new ezine at
Looks good.
I don’t get paid for my work anymore but I find I enjoy it as much as I ever
did and I’ve got around 250 readers that followed me from maxpatch.
This page was last updated September 16, 2004.