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April 2009
Comp Sci
San Project

San dataflow engine


I – Engine Overview
   Data flow concept
   Engine architecture
II The engine interface
   Interface overview
   Interface details
III Implementation notes
   Sigils and References
   Constraints on interface functions
   User supplied code
   Handling of inports
   Reserved ports
   Inter agent data transfer – storage
   Tracking source structs
   Things on the to do list


This page describes the San dataflow engine. It replaces two previous pages, The San threading engine, and San threading engine implementation notes. The title has been changed from the threading engine to the more accurate data flow engine.

Section I covers the underlying concepts and the engine architectures. It is intended as an overview of what the engine code.

Section II has an overview of the interface, and a detailed description of the interface functions. It is meant to be a reference for someone using the engine code in a project.

Section III contains various notes about the implementation of the San data flow engine. These are working notes that record decisions about the internal design and implementation.

This documentation corresponds to the April 1, 2009 release. It will be updated with the next release, and before that if new material is added.

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Data flow concept

The proposed San language is a dynamic data flow language. A simple way to understand the difference between procedural programs and data-flow programs is to look at the following flow chart fragment.

            _____     ______
           |     |    |     |
    ...--->|  A  |--->|  B  |--->...
           |_____|    |_____|
               Diagram 1.

If this fragment is from the flow chart of a procedural program it signifies that the program first executes block A and then block B. Procedural programs execute sequentially; the flow chart represents the flow of control. If, however, it is from the flow chart of a data flow program blocks A and B are executed concurrently. Data flow programs execute in parallel; the flow chart represents the flow of data. (Parallel in principle – actual implementations are necessarily messier.)

In the San model blocks have 0 or more input ports and 0 or more output ports. Here is an example:

             |                                          |
             |   _______      ________     _______      |     ________
 _______     |  |      1|--->|1     1|--->|1     1|---->|--->|1       |
|       |    -->|1  A   |    |   B   |    |   C   |          |   D    |
|   S  1|------>|2      | |->|2      |    |      2|->|       |________|
|_______|       |_______| |  |_______|    |_______|  |
               Diagram 2.

Block S is a source, i.e., it autonomously produces output. Blocks A and B have two input ports and one output port whereas block C has one input port and two output ports. The output from port 1 in block C tees, i.e., it is sent both to block A and block D. Finally, block D is a sink, i.e., it has inputs but no outputs.

One way to think about data flow programming is that it inverts traditional imperative programming. In typical imperative programs an application is a single main thread of control with the program structure embedded in the program code. The application makes calls into entry points in the OS and into subsidiary packages. From the perspective of the application, the application is unitary and the packages are fragmented.

In dataflow programming the dataflow engine is the main thread of control. The program structure is distinct from the application code; instead it is given by the data flow description. The user application is fragmented into many small fragments that act as mini-threads. These fragments accept inputs and produces outputs. The engine controls where the inputs come from and where the outputs go.

A data flow language is dynamic if blocks and their connections can be created and deleted during the course of execution. In other words, the data flow chart for the program is not fixed in advance; it change over time.

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San engine architecture

The San engine software is a preliminary implementation of the data flow engine to be used by a San language interpreter. Although it was created to be part of a San interpreter, it can be used as a stand alone C package. The San engine software is consistent with use in an implementation distributed across multiple processes and computers; however the current code is written for a single process environment.

One way to think about the engine architecture is that it inverts traditional imperative programming. In ordinary imperative programs the application is a single main thread of control that is supported by various packages. The application makes calls into entry points in the package. From the perspective of the application, the application is unitary and the packages are fragmented.

In the San dataflow model the dataflow engine is the main thread of control. The user application is fragmented into many small functions that do not talk directly to each other. Instead each fragment accepts inputs and produces outputs. The engine controls where the inputs come from and where the outputs go.

The engine structure upper level is one or more common resource frames. A common resource frame (CRF) contains a tree of agents and resources used by the engine to maintain the agents.

    common resource frame
               |--------> resources (e.g., free lists, storage pools)
               |--------> tree of agents

An agent contains administrative data used by the engine, user supplied initialization, autonomous source, and input response mini-threads, and global data shared by the user mini threads.

               |--------> administrative data
               |--------> shared global data
               |--------> initialization mini thread
               |--------> autonomous source mini thread
               |--------> input response mini thread

Within an agent there is a separate application supplied response function for each input port. (By default it is a no-op, i.e., an empty function.) An agent can also have application supplied source functions that execute autonomously.

The agents receive inputs and emit outputs; however they do not “know” where the inputs come from and where the outputs go. This information is contained in separate connection tables. Here is the connection table for the data flow chart (schematic) shown in diagram 2.

    From  To
    S 1   A 2
    A 1   B 1
    B 1   C 1
    C 1   A 1
    C 1   D 1
    C 2   B 2

Application superstructure
One of the things that happens when a common resource frame is created is that a master agent is created. This master agent is the root of the tree of agents. When the master agent is created it is initialized with a user supplied birth function. The master agent birth function is responsible for creating the initial superstructure of agents and their connections.

Most of the interface entry points into the engine are functions that manipulate the data flow superstructure, e.g., functions that create and delete agents, functions that create and delete connections, and functions to load application code. However they are only called when the superstructure is actually being altered.

Application supplied mini-threads
Application code consists of mini-threads. Mini-threads are application supplied functions with standard interfaces. These functions are called by the data flow engine and send output to the engine. There are four kinds o application supplied functions, birth, death, input response, and source functions. The birth and death functions are arguments to the agent creation functions; think of them as constructors and destructors. Input response functions are loaded with the san_load_inport API function; source functions are loaded with the san_load_source API function.

Input response functions are called when there is new data in an agent’s input ports. Usually these functions perform some operations on their input, emit some output, and exit. They have the syntactic structure of event handlers.

Agents can have sources; these are autonomous data generators and are executed once each scheduler cycle. Each source has an associated source function that generates the source output data. A source function can be associated with more than one source.

Most application code only uses two engine API functions – san_emit and san_get_agent_data. The former is the output function – it sends data to an output port. The engine is responsible for seeing that the data gets to its proper destination. San_get_agent_data is a utility for getting metadata for the agent that application code is associated with.

Agent state data
Each agent has its own persistent data structure. When input response functions and source functions are invoked they are passed a pointer to the agent’s persistent data structure; this structure can be thought of as the agent’s private data or as its global data.

An agent’s persistent data structure ties the agent’s associated functions together. They can pass information back and forth via the persistent data structure.

The declaration of the persistent data structure must be visible to the code for the associated functions. Space for the structure is allocated with the san_make_globals and san_allocate functions. San_make_globals allocates space for the structure itself; san_allocate is used for any further allocations needed to flesh out the structure. The creation of an agent’s persistent data structure must be done in the birth function

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San engine interface

The Interface overview section has, not surprisingly, a general overview of the engine interface. The Interface functions provides a description for each interface function.

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Interface overview

There are two categories of entry points into the engine. The first are the set up functions; these are the functions that connect the engine to the main program. The second are the user application interface functions; these are the functions that connect the user application code to the engine.

The set up functions are listed in table I. Typically these functions are called in “main” to initialize the engine and to load the initial user code.

                  Table I - Setup functions
    san_ctl_init_sysinfo     Initializes the system information struct 
    san_ctl_create_crframe   Creates a common resource frame           
    san_ctl_scheduler        Handles scheduling of execution 'threads' 

The prototypes for the setup functions are in a separate include file, san_ctl.h, and are meant to only be used by main. San_ctl_init_sysinfo calls the optproc options processing package; it can be replaced provided that the replacement produces the SYSINFO struct.

Here is a sample main program:

#include "trace.h"
#include "san_ctl.h"
static SYSINFO sys;
extern void    load_master(sigil_s);
main(int argc, char ** argv)
    CRFID          crfid;
    sys   = san_ctl_init_sysinfo(argc,argv);
    crfid = san_ctl_create_crframe(sys,load_master,0);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

The first three functions called are initialization routines. Trace_init initializes a calling sequence trace utility. San_ctl_init_sysinfo processes the command line options. The options currently available are:

context      context      Default context
err          error file   Error file
log          output file  Log file
d            flag         Debug flag
ev           flag         Event log flag
def          flag         Use defaults flag
rpt          flag         Write a terminal report
term         int          Exiting epoch number
The CRF creation function, san_ctl_create_crframe, creates a common resource frame and initializes it. This includes creating a root agent for the tree of agents in the CRF. The second argument is the function that initializes the master (root) agent. This user defined function creates the initial agents and their connections. It also loads user application code into the agents.

The scheduler (san_ctl_scheduler) is the heart of the engine. The general idea is that user code elements emit data that is sent to other user code elements as specified by the connection tables. The scheduler takes care of moving data from emitters to receivers; it also schedules the activation of agent source functions and agent input response functions as needed.

The majority of the application interface functions alter the schematic (the data flow structure) either by creating or deleting agents, by altering connections, or by altering user application code. There are three output functions, san_emit, san_event_logger, and san_rpt_agent. San_emit emits output from an agent output port. One of the program options is the ability to create an event log; the event logger writes messages to the event log. Finally, the agent reporter writes an agent report.

        Table II - engine/application interface routines
san_allocate            Allocates agent space during initialization  
san_clone_agent         Creates a clone of an existing agent         
san_connect             Creates a pipe connection                    
san_create_child        Creates a child agent                        
san_create_sibling      Creates a sibling agent                      
san_delete_agent        Deletes an agent                             
san_delete_source       Deletes a source element                     
san_disconnect          Eliminates a pipe connection                 
san_emit                Emits a data packet                          
san_event_logger        Logs an event in the event log               
san_get_agent_data      Gets user visible agent data                 
san_get_child_no        Gets child ref for a given index             
san_get_source_no       Gets source ref for a given index            
san_load_inport         Loads an execution function into an inport   
san_load_source         Adds a source element to an agent            
san_make_globals        Creates global space for a new agent         
san_rpt_agent           Creates an agent report

Internally the data flow engine uses a package of utility services. These need not be used by application code; however they are available. The utilities are:

errexit.c               Entry points for an instrumented error exit
errmgr.c                Entry points for error recording
getfline.c              Reads variable length lines from a file
getspace.c              Storage allocation package
listpkg.c               List management package
optproc.c               Options processing package
stgpool.c               Specialized storage management package
urtree.c                Key/value data storage and retrieval

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Interface details

There are currently seventeen application interface functions. Most of these functions are used to alter the connectivity of the data flow schematic or to initialize the loading of application functions. In many applications they are only called during initialization.

The function interfaces are described below, along with a brief description of their usage.

Links to the application interface functions descriptions


Function: san_allocate
Purpose: Allocates agent space during initialization
Prototype: void * san_allocate (sigil_s, size_t);
Returns: Pointer to allocated space

   sigil_s  Identifying sigil for the calling code
   size_t   Size in bytes of the requested space 

Function san_allocate allocates space. The space is taken from the agent’s storage pool. It should not be deallocated; attempting to deallocate it is an error that is probably fatal.

This function can only be called during the execution of an agent’s birth function. It typically is used to get space for pointers in an agent’s global space.

Function: san_clone_agent
Purpose: Creates a clone of an existing agent
Prototype: agent_rs san_clone_agent (sigil_s, agent_rs);
Returns: Reference for cloned agent.

   sigil_s  Identifying sigil for the calling code
   agent_rs Reference for the agent being cloned.
Function san_clone_agent creates a clone of the agent referenced in the argument list. The agent creating the clone is called the self agent. The agent being cloned cannot be the master agent; otherwise it can be the self agent, a child of the self agent, or a sibling of the self agent. If the agent being cloned is the self agent or a sibling of the self agent the clone is added to the self agent’s parent’s list of children. If it is a child of the self agent it is added to the self agent’s list of children.

San_clone returns a reference to the newly created clone. If the cloning operation was unsuccessful a nil reference {0,0} is returned.

The clone is newly born, i.e., it has the state that the donor agent had when it was born. Changes made to the donor agent’s state during its life time will not be present in the clone.

Function: san_connect
Purpose: Creates a pipe connection
Prototype: BOOLEAN san_connect (sigil_s, agent_rs, agent_rs, port_v, port_v);
Returns: True if a connection was made, false if it wasn’t

   sigil_s  Identifying sigil for the calling code
   agent_rs Reference for the emitting agent
   agent_rs Reference for the receiving agent
   port_v   Emitting port number
   port_v   Receiving port number
This function creates a data flow connection between an output port of one agent and an input port of another agent. The agent creating the connection is called the self agent. The source and destination agents must satisfy one of the following cases:
  • The source and destination agents are both children of the self agent.
  • The two agents are the self agent and a sibling of the self agent.
  • The two agents are the self agent and a child of the self agent.
  • Both agents are the self agent.
San_connect returns false if none of these conditions are met or if the connection already exists. It returns true if the connection can be made and is made.

Function: san_create_child
Purpose: Creates a child agent
Prototype: agent_rs san_create_child (sigil_s, birth_f, death_f);
Returns: Reference to the created child

   sigil_s   Identifying sigil for the calling code
   birth_f  The user function called when the child is created
   death_f  The function to be called when the child is deleted
Function san_create_child creates a child agent and returns a reference to the created agent. The birth function will be executed when the child agent is created.

Function: san_create_sibling
Purpose: Creates a sibling agent
Prototype: agent_rs san_create_sibling (sigil_s, birth_f, death_f);
Returns: Reference to the created sibling

   sigil_s  Identifying sigil for the calling code
   birth_f  The user function called when the sibling is created
   death_f  The function to be called when the sibling is deleted
Function san_create_sibling creates a sibling agent and returns a reference to the created agent. The birth function will be executed when the sibling agent is created. Different functions are used for creating children and siblings because the parents are different.

Function: san_delete_agent
Purpose: Deletes an agent
Prototype: BOOLEAN san_delete_agent (sigil_s, agent_rs);
Returns: True if the agent was deleted, false on failure.

   sigil_s  Identifying sigil for the calling code
   agent_rs Reference for the agent being deleted.
Function san_delete_agent is used to delete agents. An agent can only delete itself and its children; however it cannot delete itself in its death function. Also, the master agent cannot delete itself. The children of a deleted agent become the children of the deleted agent’s parent.

Function: san_delete_source
Purpose: Deletes a source element
Prototype: BOOLEAN san_delete_source (sigil_s, source_rs);
Returns: TRUE if the source was successfuly deleted, FALSE if not.

   sigil_s   Identifying sigil for the calling code
   source_rs Reference for the source function being deleted.
Function san_delete_source is used to delete source elements (generators) from agents. An agent can delete sources from itself or from its children.

Function: san_disconnect
Purpose: Eliminates a connection
Prototype: BOOLEAN san_disconnect (sigil_s, agent_rs, agent_rs, port_v, port_v);
Returns: True if a connection was eliminated, false if it wasn’t

   sigil_s   Identifying sigil for the calling code
   agent_rs  Reference for the emitting agent
   agent_rs  Reference for the receiving agent
   port_v    Emitting port number
   port_v    Receiving port number
This function removes a data flow connection between an output port of one agent and an input port of another agent. The agent creating the connection is called the self agent. The source and destination agents must satisfy one of the following cases:
  • The source and destination agents are both children of the self agent.
  • The two agents are the self agent and a sibling of the self agent.
  • The two agents are the self agent and a child of the self agent.
  • Both agents are the self agent.
San_disconnect returns false if none of these conditions are met or if the connection doesn’t exist. It returns true if the connection exists and can be removed.

Function: san_emit
Purpose: Emits a data packet
Prototype: BOOLEAN san_emit (sigil_s,port_v,size_t,void *);
Returns: True if the emission was successful, false if was not.

   sigil_s  Identifying sigil for the calling code
   port_v   Output port number
   size_t   Size of data packet being sent
   void *   Pointer to the data packet
Function san_emit attempts to emit data at the specified port. It will fail if nothing is connected to the port. If either the data size or the data pointer is zero an empty packet will be sent; otherwise it is assumed that the size is correct.

Function: san_event_logger
Purpose: Logs an event in the event log
Prototype: void san_event_logger(sigil_s, char *);
Returns: void

   sigil_s  Identifying sigil for the calling code
   char *   Message to be sent to the event log file
Function san_event_logger is a utility service for applications to write messages in an application defined event log file.

Function: san_get_agent_data
Purpose: Gets user visible agent data
Prototype: agtdata_s san_get_agent_data(sigil_s);
Returns: Data structure containing agent data

   sigil_s  Identifying sigil for the calling code
Function san_get_agent_data returns a structure holding agent data otherwise not accessible to user code. Currently the structure contains the epoch number, the number of children, and the number of sources.

The idea is that user code can walk through the lists of children and sources using san_get_child_no and san_get_source_no to access item by index.

Function: san_get_child_no
Purpose: Gets child ref for a given index
Prototype: agent_rs san_get_child_no(sigil_s,size_t);
Returns: The reference to the requested child by index.

   sigil_s  Identifying sigil for the calling code
   size_t   Index of the requested child
For index i this function returns a reference to the i’th child. If the index is out of range it returns a nil reference.

Function: san_get_source_no
Purpose: Gets source ref for a given index
Prototype: agent_rs san_get_source_no(sigil_s,size_t);
Returns: The reference to the requested source by index.

   sigil_s  Identifying sigil for the calling code
   size_t   Index of the requested source
For index i this function returns a reference to the i’th source. If the index is out of range it returns a nil reference.

Function: san_load_inport
Purpose: Loads an execution function into an inport
Prototype: BOOLEAN san_load_inport(sigil_s,agent_rs,port_v,inport_exec_f);
Returns: True if the load was successful, false if it was not.

   sigil_s        Identifying sigil for the calling code
   agent_rs       Reference for the inport's agent
   port_v         Port number for the inport's port
   inport_exec_f  Inport response function to use
Function san_load_inport enters an inport response function into the agent’s inport for the specified port. It creates an inport data structure if none exists. If the inport already has a response function, it is replaced by the new one. There is no way to delete an existing response function; passing a null pointer to san_load_inport is treated as an error. The agent being loaded must either be the calling agent or a child of the calling agent. The input response function has the prototype:
void  func(sigil_s sigil,void * globals,size_t len,void * data);
where sigil is the identifying sigil, globals is a pointer to the agent globals, and len/data is the size and pointer for the input if any.

Function: san_load_source
Purpose: Adds a source element to an agent
Prototype: source_rs san_load_source(sigil_s, agent_rs, source_exec_f);
Returns: A source reference for the created source.

   sigil_s        Identifying sigil for the calling code
   agent_rs       Reference for the source's agent
   inport_exec_f  Source function to use
Function san_load_source creates a source (generator) for an agent. In each epoch the source function will be executed. The source function has the prototype:
void  func(sigil_s sigil,void * globals);
where sigil is the identifying sigil, globals is a pointer to the agent globals.

Function: san_make_globals
Purpose: Creates global space for a new agent
Prototype: void * san_make_globals(sigil_s,size_t);
Returns: Pointer to space allocated for an agent’s global.

   sigil_s  Identifying sigil for the calling code
   size_t   Size in bytes of the space to be allocated
Function san_make_globals allocates space for an agent’s globals. This function can only be called during the execution of an agent’s birth function. The space is taken from the agent’s storage pool. It should not be deallocated; attempting to deallocate it is an error that is probably fatal.

Function: san_rpt_agent
Purpose: Creates an agent report
Prototype: void san_rpt_agent(sigil_s, agent_rs);
Returns: Nothing. Arguments:

   sigil_s  Identifying sigil for the calling code
   agent_rs Reference for the agent that is the subject of the report
Function san_rpt_agent writes a descriptive report of an agent’s contents to the log file.

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Sigils and References

All user code is embedded within agents, either as initialization code, as termination code, as input port response code, or as originary data source code. When user code is activated it is passed a sigil. This is a struct that acts as a password token.

User code interacts with the engine via interface functions. The first argument to an interface routine always is the sigil. A fundamental requirement is that the presented sigil be valid, i.e., the data in the sigil is legitimate.

In this implementation the sigil is not encrypted but it could be in a future implementation. The sigil isolates user code from the engine code. Instead of containing pointers to engine data sigils contain opaque references. There are three user visible handles. They are:

CRFID            This identifies the current common resource frame.  It is a 
                 size_t integer; it actually is an index into a table of 
                 pointers to common resource frames; however the table is not 
                 visible to the user.
agent_rs         This is a robust handle for agents.
                 It is a struct containing two size_t integers.
source_rs        This is a handle for a source (an autonomous data generator.)
                 This is a struct containing an agent reference and a source
                 serial number.  It points to a struct defining a source, where
                 a source is code that autonomously generates output.

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This implementation uses a simple scheduling model. Each cycle of the scheduler loop represents a unit of time called an epoch. In each epoch the emissions from the previous epoch are processed and each source is executed once.There are two termination conditions for the main loop. They are:

  1. The scheduler is quiet, i.e., there are no emissions and no active sources at the end of the loop.
  2. The epoch number is equal to the term argument; this lets a program stop and start the scheduler at specified break points.

The main loop has three major sub loops. They are:

  1. A loop to process transmissions made during the previous epoch.
  2. A loop to generate emissions from sources.
  3. A loop to convert emissions into deliverables.

The scheduler maintains two lists, a list of items to be processed in the current cycle and a list of items to be processed in the next cycle. The lists contain instances of a struct called a delivery that looks like this:

struct delivery_s {
    agent_rs           agent_r;         /* Agent receiving delivery         */
    port_v             port;            /* Port receiving delivery          */
    size_t             seqno;           /* Expected inport serial number    */
    inport_s         * inport;          /* Pointer to agent inport struct   */
The agent_r field is a reference for the receiving agent; port is the input port number. Seqno is a verification sequence number. Finally, inport is a point to a structure in the agent that holds the input port. The queue of items being delivered is in a queue maintained in inport. The items in the queue are structures called packages that look like this;
struct package_s {
    size_t            len;              /* Size of package                 */
    char            * data;             /* Contents of package             */
    emitstg_s       * xpool;            /* Storage pool supplying space    */
Len and data specify the serialized data being transmitted; xpool specifies the storage pool being used.

Loop 1
Loop 1 loops over the current delivery list. There is one delivery per input port receiving input; however the delivery can deliver more than one package to the port. If the delivery is verified the current version of the exec_import function processes all of the packages in the queue in the agent’s input port. That is, if port 1 has three items in its inport queue all three items will be processed with three successive calls to the inport response function. However the code provides for the possibility of not handling all items in the queue.

The emissions created are added to list crf->emissions. Here is the definition for an emission:

struct emission_s {
    package_s           pkg;            /* Data package emitted             */
    delivery_s          d;              /* Delivery package data            */
Pkg contains the data to be transmitted. D contains the delivery struct as it was at the time of emission; nothing is loaded into the inport queue at this time.

Loop 2
Loop 2 loops through the sources in crf->source_list. See the section on source tracking for details about management of sources. The outputs of the user defined sources is added to crf->emissions.

Loop 3
Loop 3 is encapsulated in function update_deliveries. It checks that the delivery component of each emission is valid, i.e., that it is a current delivery specification for that inport. If all is okay, the package is moved to the target inport queue.

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Constraints on interface functions

All of the interface functions require a valid sigil as an argument. Sigils have embedded within them a reference for the agent containing the user code currently being executed. The containing agent is called the self agent.

The sigil is the only argument for the following functions:

san_create_child:     Create a child agent
san_create_sibling:   Create a sibling agent
san_get_agent_data:   Gets user visible agent data
There are two functions that have a data array index argument; they return an agent datum by index from an array. Each returns a reference; if the index is out of range they return a null reference. The functions are:
san_get_child_no:     Gets child ref for a given index  
san_get_source_no:    Gets source ref for a given index 
There are two deletion functions. Each has a argument specifying the entity (source or agent) to be deleted. The specified agent (or containing agent if a source is being deleted) must either be the agent itself or a child agent. The functions are:
san_delete_agent:     Deletes an agent        
san_delete_source:    Deletes a source element
There are two load functions that associate a user supplied function with an agent, san_load_inport and san_load_source. The first two arguments for each is the sigil and the agent being supplied with a user function. The last argument is the user function. San_load_inport has an additional argument, the input port number. The specified agent must either be the agent itself or a child. The supplied function pointer cannot be a null function pointer. The functions are:
san_load_inport:      Loads an execution function into an inport
san_load_source       Loads a generator (source) function into an agent         
There are two connection management functions, one to create a connection and one to delete a connection. Each has source and destination agents as arguments along with the output and input port numbers. The source and destination agents must satisfy one of the following cases:
  • The source and destination agents are both children of the self agent.
  • The two agents are the self agent and a sibling of the self agent.
  • The two agents are the self agent and a child of the self agent.
  • Both agents are the self agent.
When a connection is being made it can’t already exist; similarly when a connection is being deleted it must exist. The functions are:
san_connect:          Creates a data flow connection    
san_disconnect:       Deletes a data flow connection 
The san_emit command emits data out an output port. The port must be a valid port; i.e., it must be part of a data flow connection. The san_rpt_agent writes an agent report to the report file; it must be passed a valid agent. These functions are:
san_emit:             Emits an emission     
san_rpt_agent:        Creates an agent report 

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User supplied code

The engine recognizes four kinds of user supplied code, initialization code, termination code, autonomous data generation code, and input port response code. User code is connected to the engine via user written functions that plug into the engine. The user supplied function pointers are arguments to engine API functions. The typedefs for these functions are given in san.h; they are:

typedef void (*birth_f)      (sigil_s);
typedef void (*death_f)      (sigil_s);
typedef void (*source_exec_f)(sigil_s, void *);
typedef void (*inport_exec_f)(sigil_s, void *, size_t, void *);
The first argument for a user supplied function is the sigil that must be used when calling engine API function.

Birth and death
The sigil is the only argument that is required for the birth and death functions that are provided when the agent is created. The API functions that create agents are san_clone_agent, san_create_child and san_create_sibling. The birth and death functions are passed to the creation functions as arguments. The clone function passes the birth and death functions of the agent being cloned to the clone. The function prototypes are:

agent_rs   san_clone_agent    (sigil_s sigil,agent_rs agent);
agent_rs   san_create_child   (sigil_s sigil,birth_f birth,death_f death);
agent_rs   san_create_sibling (sigil_s sigil,birth_f birth,death_f death);

The birth function initializes the agent; this is done as the last thing in the creation process. Once an agent is created the birth function is a no-op. Unborn agents cannot be cloned. If there is no birth function the agent is marked as being initialized, i.e., born.

The birth function has two major uses. The first is to create the structure holding the agent globals and to populate it. The API has two functions for this purpose, san_make_globals and san_allocate. San_make_globals allocates space for the structure holding the globals; san_allocate allocates space for sub structures. This space does not have to be freed; the engine takes care of freeing it. (It actually comes from the agent’s storage pool.)

The second is to create program structure, i.e., to create child agents and specify their connections. In particular, the birth function for the master agent of a common resource frame creates a program superstructure.

The death function is called when an agent is deleted. A major purpose for the death function is to release resources reserved by the agent. However it can spawn new agents including cloning itself. One thing the death function cannot do is to delete the dying agent; if it could the death function would be calling itself in an infinite loop.

Execution functions
The birth and death functions are “one time” functions, i.e., each is executed only once during the life time of an agent. The inport_exec and source_exec functions are the work horse functions of an application. Inport_exec functions respond to input in an agent’s input ports; source_exec functions autonomously generate output over time.

Each source is executed once during an epoch. (Different sources may share a source function.) The inport_exec function is executed whenever there is content in an agent’s input queues. Each port has its own queue and a pointer to an inport_exec function. The pointer may be nil; if it is, any input to that port will be lost. Different inports can share an inport_exec function.

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Handling of inports

Each agent has a list of input port structures called inports. An inport looks like this:

struct inport_s {
    port_v            port;             /* Input port number               */
    listhdr_s         queue;            /* List of queued input data       */
    void            * globals;          /* Ptr to agent globals            */
    size_t            n_feeds;          /* No. of connections to por       */
    size_t            seqno;            /* Verification sequence number    */
    inport_exec_f     exec;             /* Function to execute             */
Conceptually connection tables belong to the parent agent; as a matter of convenience they are stored with the emitting agents. Entries in the connection tables look like this:
struct connex_s {
    port_v            outport;          /* Port no in the emitter          */
    port_v            port;             /* Port no in the receiver         */
    agent_rs          agent_ref;        /* Ref for receiving agent         */
    inport_s        * dest;             /* Ptr to receiver inport struct   */
If there is no inport for a receiving agent and port, one is created if either san_load_inport or san_connect references a non-existent inport. When an emitter generates an emission it scans the emitter’s connection table to find all entries for that output port. It checks the agent reference to make sure that the agent still exists. If it does, the emission is appended to a central emissions list that is used by the scheduler.

The n_feeds fields in the INPORT struct holds the number of connections to the agent input port. It is initialized to 0 when the inport is created. It is incremented each time a connection is made to the port and decremented each time a connection to the port is disconnected.

When the count reaches zero during a disconnect the inport struct is moved from the agent inport list to resource frame inport free list. The disconnect routine also removes the connection struct (CONNEX) from the CONNEX table in the emitting agent.

When an agent is deleted its list of inports are added to the resource frame inport free list. The corresponding entries in the CONNEX table are not deleted at that time. They are deleted later when an attempt is made to send data to the deleted agent.

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Reserved ports

Input and output ports 0 are reserved for communication with the parent agent; input and output ports 1 are reserved for communication with child agents. Ports 2 and greater are not reserved; they are available for ordinary connections. When an agent is created two connections are made:

        parent.1 -> agent.0
        agent.0  -> parent.1
These connections cannot be deleted.

Emissions from a parent to output port 1 are broadcast, i.e., they to all of the parent’s children. In addition a parent can create an ordinary connection to a child’s port 0; this connection is not broadcast and can be deleted.

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Inter agent data transfer – storage

The San engine uses a copy data protocol for inter agent data transfer rather than a data reference protocol. In other words when an agent emits data the emit code makes a copy of the data for each port to which the data will be delivered. Transfer by reference is faster than transfer by copy, but it is dangerous unless it can be guaranteed that (a) the emitter will not alter the data after sending it, and (b) the receiver(s) do not alter the data after receiving it.

The code uses a double storage pool technique so as to avoid excessive storage allocation and deallocation. The pools hold queued data that has not yet been processed. There are two pools, old and current. No space is taken from the old pool; all space for emitted items is taken from the current pool. When space taken from a pool is released the count of items in the pool is decremented. When a pool count reaches 0 the pool is cleared. At the end of a scheduling cycle the pool count for the old pool is checked. If it is 0 the old is cleared, the current pool becomes the old pool, and a new current pool is created.

Function get_xpool_space is the gateway for getting a block of space from the current xpool. Each call into get_xpool_space increments the current xpool usage count by 1. Note that the block length can be zero. There are four places that get_xpool_space can be called. They are:

In emit it is called twice, once to get space for an emission (em) and once to get space for the data in the emission package (em->pkg->data).

There are two additional potential calls in function update_delivery. The first gets space for a delivery. The timeliness of the delivery is checked. If it is timely, an additional call is made to get space for the package being delivered. If is not timely the xpool is decreased by 3 (2 for the emission, 1 for the delivery) and the delivery is discarded. (This function can be tightened up.)

When a package is finally delivered to exec_inport it represents 4 blocks from the xpool. Exec_inport decrements the xpool count by 4.

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Tracking source structs

A source (in the sense of sources and sinks) is an autonomous generator of data streams. An agent can host several sources. A source is represented by a source_s struct defined as follows:

struct source_s {
    sigil_s            sigil;           /* Sigil for the host agent         */
    source_exec_f      exec;            /* Function executed by the source  */
    size_t             index;           /* Index in the long list array     */
    size_t             srcno;           /* Id # relative to the host agent  */
    source_rs          s_ref;           /* Object tag used in user code     */
    source_s         * link;            /* Link used in linked lists        */
Each agent that hosts sources has a linked list of source_s structs corresponding to the hosted sources. These lists are the only locations where source_s structs are stored.

In addition to the source structs themselves there is an array of pointers to the entire suite of source structs. This array is used internally by the scheduler to schedule source activation.

The source structs are not visible to user code. User code accesses sources via source_rs references. The array of struct pointers is not user accessible.

When a new source is added to an agent the storage for the struct is taken from a free list. Each agent maintains a counter that supplies a unique id for each source struct. The new source struct is linked into the existing agent source list and a pointer to the struct is added to the end of the pointer array.

When a source is deleted from an agent things are slightly more complicated. The agent’s list of sources is scanned and the source is snipped from the list. (The assumption is that agent source lists will be small.) The deleted source is added to the free list of sources. The list of pointers is divided into two segments, processed and unprocessed when the list is being scanned. If the deleted source is unprocessed the last pointer in the array replaces the deleted pointer and the index in the struct is changed to point to the new location. If the deleted source is processed two replacements are done; the last processed replaces the deleted pointer, and the last of the array replaces the last processed. The index fields in the structs pointed to by the moved pointers is updated to reflect the new location.

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Suffix tags

_s      Jointly used by structures and their typedefs
_f      Function typedef
_v      Variable typedef
_rs     Reference structure typedef
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Things on the to do list

This section is a list of things to do and things to thing about.

  • Packets: The idea here is to replace the len/ptr combo for transmitting data by some kind of packet structure. In the long run this should become some kind of serialization. One possibility is to have a type parameter. It could have a reply protocol.
  • Scheduler callback: Add an argument to the scheduler that is a callback function, returning T or F to say whether to yield control.

This page was last updated June 11, 2009.
Copyright © 2009 by Richard Harter

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