This a traditional letter column.
You are encouraged to write a letter of comment on anything that you
find worthy of comment. It will (may) be published in this column along
with my reply. As editor I reserve the right to delete material;
however I will not alter the undeleted material. E-mail to me that solely
references the contents of this site will be assumed to be publishable
mail. All other e-mail is assumed to be private. And, of course, anything
marked not for publication is not for publication. Oh yes, letters of
appreciation for the scholarly resources provided by this site will be
handled very discreetly. This page contains the correspondence for
June 2005.
Some of it is a little ancient; I’m slowly catching up – very slowly.
From: Anthony R. Lewis, PhD
In a number of the del Rey Star Wars novels, there are chronical lists
(with incremental times since the previous film episode) of the stories
and the media presenting them. In addtion to the del Rey novels, there
are Scholastic Books, Comics, games, etc. Between episodes II and III
there are:
I would still prefer to own the Mint and the Bureau of Engravinig and
Printing, but Lucas is not doing too badly.
Which ship would you prefer–the Millennium Falcon or the Dauntless?
I expect that I prefer the Millennium Falcon; any ship that operate outside
the space-time cone is just the ship for me.
… continued on next rock …
It’s my job to know.The Terra V and Polaris could also travel in
From: Anthony R. Lewis, PhD
Not humor, but truth. One year I was going to fly to Midwestcon, which
is held near Cincinnati. The direct flight from Boston to Cincinnati was
about $900; the flight from Boston to Cincinnati to Columbus was $300. I
would up flying to Indianapolis and renting a car.
I’m quite confident that the bizarre pricing structure that airlines use has
nothing to do with their frequent visits to the bankruptcy courts.
From: dns
did u receive my messages, dude ?
From: Clint Olsen
Thanks for replying so quickly. I’m actually in Maui right now and I’ll
return on Sunday. Right before my trip I managed to get ahold of PJ
Plauger’s paper called “State of the Art: Hash It” and he covers some of
the work that was done on linear hashing – namely that of a guy named
Larson and ‘Dynamic Hash Tables’.
The interesting thing I took away from this was that he allocates a set
number of buckets as a power of two for instance, but he only releases the
buckets for use one at a time as the load on the table gets higher. Of
course, the idea here is to more gradually grow the table and this should
smooth out the bumps that would normally be paid for a whole resize and
re-bucket of all the items. Notice I didn’t say rehash since like you
originally suggested we use successively higher order bits of the
full-length hash value as we grow the table. This prevents expensive
Of course, since you go to the trouble of reallocating the buckets anyway
you actually might just want to move all pertinent the elements from the
buckets at the lower end of the table to the upper since the load factor
would drop dramatically after such an operation. I guess the only way to
know for sure is just just code it up and see how it works. Kazlib uses
the technique described in this paragraph – he responded to you in that
original hash news article as well about the cost of a table resize in
So, back to your original thoughts about probe sequences, Plauger
definitely chose chaining for his implementation. I am still studying your
comments about linear probing here. I originally was intending to use
Kaz’s technique of masking to calculating the bucket value since this
should usually be far less expensive than modulus. So, in the end rather
than taking ‘mod m’ of the accumulated value, just mask it. In the context
of double hashing, it would look something like:
Of course, with linear probing, h2 would yield 1 for all K.
From our original discussion about table size choices, we are definitely
safe if the table size is a power of two and h2 yields an odd value as
Knuth suggests. And ensuring this is not an expensive operation like
finding an h2 that’s always relatively prime to the table size. We can
just force the least significant bit to be 1 and we’re done.
I guess you’re probably correct that having some overhead is inevitable.
If that’s the case, then using powers of two is probably easiest. The nice
thing about that is that you can fairly easily in C determine what you’re
largest table size can be and you can parameterize that in whatever size
an unsigned long is on that architecture. So, if you have 64-bit ints on
your machine, you’re good to go for massive table sizes, and the code
doesn’t have to change one iota. Making table sizes prime or using
fibonacci numbers means you have to continuously update tables of these
values as the longs get long(er) since they are a) Pain in the ass to
calculate or b) A waste of CPU cycles to calculate, and you just want them
available to the library.
I think I mentioned that one of the caveats of double hashing though is
that over time with excessive insertions and deletions, you get tables that
are littered with ‘deleted’ spots on them, so checking for the existence of
a key can get more and more expensive since you must terminate an
unsuccessful search on a clean empty slot. Otherwise you may not
thoroughly check through a valid probe sequence for a particular key. Two
ways of dealing with this in the papers have been to:
a) Completely reinsert all keys into a fresh new table periodically. I
don’t care for this idea at all. It’s expensive.
b) On deletion, check the table for a key that might have been displaced on
a probe sequence to that slot and move it there. That might mitigate
the deleted bits problem, but this makes deletion expensive since I
don’t know offhand how to ‘find’ any key that was bumped since that slot
was already occupied. It seems like you’d have to check all the valid
keys in the table to find out if it originally hashed to that slot.
Chaining really works well for an unsuccessful search. You just check the
chain and you’re finished. No fuss.
Thanks a lot for your help so far. I really want to get my head around
this problem and make robust hash table implementation. It’s fun solving
these sorts of problems.
I tend to agree with Paul Hsieh about using powers of two table sizes and
storing the full hash. One argument for storing the full hash is that it
reduces comparison costs – one can compare against the full hash rather than
comparing against the data. The thought is that comparing strings can be
relatively expensive; however it is cheap (on average) to compare random
strings (assuming that the data of interest is strings) for inequality.
Verification is relatively expensive; however we want to do that anyway.
A more cogent reason for using powers of two and storing the full hash
is that table resizing is much cheaper than when the table size is a prime
and the full hash is not stored.
An argument against chaining that I have not seen is that for large tables
following links may break locality. I suspect that it is faster (at the
price of some extra space usage) to provide small arrays rather use linked
lists; however I haven’t done any studies on this.
If you are going to use double hashing I commend to you Knuth’s
“Selected Papers on Analysis of Algorithms”, Chapter 7 on “Ordered Hash
From: Joe Fox
Thoroughly enjoyed reading your 1981 article on the old CDC “UPDATE” software maintenance utility. I loved it back in the late 70s, never have seen anything like it sense. (Almost impossible to explain to people, even software professionals!) Alas, I suspect it went away with the CDC machines of that era…
By chance, I also utilized an IBM VM/CMS system circa 1980, and did try out the “UPDATE” utility there. As noted in your ’81 article, it’s use was good for one set of changes — after that the line number issue got in the way, circumventing any resemblance to the CDC utility.
Now, you probably know that CRAY implemented virtually the same UPDATE system as CDC had on their computers back then. What you may NOT know is that someone wrote a VERY CDC-UPDATE like utility for use with VAX/VMS, around 1981 I believe. Other than some required syntax changes and file handling (e.g., VMS allowed multiple versions of a file at the level of the file specification — e.g., FILE.DAT;1 and FILE.DAT;2), it was absolutely one-to-one with CDCs utility. The name of the utility was “UPDATE-PLUS”. The author may have been one “Christopher C. Fulton”, but my memory is really hazy about this. I do know that the company that sold the UPDATE-PLUS for VAX/VMS operated out of California, possibly San Jose.
Incidentally, in the world of Configuration Management I am “the father of change
sets” even though I keep saying that CDC did it all thirty odd years ago. It is
really quite surprising how much good technology has simply been forgotten.
Anyway, thanks for writing.
From: rosy rag
I am the Links Exchange Supervisor for Flower
Market([email protected]), and I came across your
Website while doing a Google search.
I am interested in setting up a link exchange between
your Website, and Flower Market to
maximize our reach to our visitors. I strongly believe
that we can mutually benefit from a
reciprocal link exchange as we share similar target
audiences and interests.
If you are interested in linking to Flower Market,
please respond to this email with a brief
description of your Website/business, other similar
URLs you own and where you intend to place the link to
Flower Market.
I hope we can take advantage of this great
opportunity, and look forward to hearing back from
This is my info:
Title :- Flower Market Be that as it may, your request will appear in my
site in the correspondence column. It may well chance
that some reader may read your letter and will be
intrigued enough by it to visit your site. If that
should chance, I will be happy for you.
From: Stefan Andrew Nicholson
It was very interesting to see that you have named your new programming
language San Language. I have also got a San Language (not related to
computers – but a thought language) that I developed in 1973. The name
came from my initials: Stefan Andrew Nicholson, and also because it was a
Symbolic Art Notation language.
Basically it is a spatial graphics language (every part of grammar) that
is learnt in 2 hours, and can be interpreted by any nationality without
the need for spelling, talking or alphabet. I came across the African San
Languages much later on (with the clicks).
Good luck with your new computer language. I am a BASIC programmer
myself, but now have sucumbed to Access. I intend using Basic Stamp for
constructing electronic instrumentation. I thought I would drop you a
line to say hello.
From: digitec
please, i hope, it was your mistake..
return my money, please.
From: Robert Mc Farlane
I was reading something on your web site at 4 in the morning as I had
had a few thoughts about Darth Plagus “the wise” Darth Sidiouse’s
master. During the concert Sidiouse mentions that he didnt know how to
stop people from dieing. Near the end he mentioned that he would be
able to if he combined forces with Anakin. If he wasnt capable of
stopping people from dieing the ability to create life from
It is open to question whether it was Sidious or his master who caused
the midiclorians to conceive Anakin. Either way Anakin was a Sith
project. However there is a nice bit of irony here. The Sith knew
about the prophecy. They moved to preempt it by creating Anakin whom
they intended to be the greatest Sith of all. In the end, however,
Anakin did destroy the Sith.
Anakin/Darth Vader did bring balance to the force. The dark side had
been suppressed; the Sith got their turn at being on top and the
fossilized Jedi order was eliminated. In turn the Sith were eliminated
after a generation.
In any case, yes, I enjoyed the film.
From: Peter Neilson
I have noticed that there are, or were, two varities
of the common gray squirrel that are differentiated
by their patterns of flight from danger. I’ve seen the
identical phenomenon in Massachusetts and here in North
Carolina. The effort involved in observation does not
require passage to the Galapagos Islands.
I call these two varieties zig-zag and straight-through.
The zig-zag runs a fast-changing path, in order to
throw off predators. Faced with an oncoming motor car,
the zig-zag, nearly out of harm’s way, turns and runs
back underneath the wheels of the car. Straight-through
squirrels do not turn back, and often avoid getting
Over the last 50 years I have seen the zig-zag become
far less prevalent in city areas, and now it is dying
out in rural areas as well.
What would old
Trofim Denisovich
There are critics of such stories; there are always critics.
My take is that squirrels, much like creationists, are not
too bright. When confronted with a threatening situtation
they initially choose a response at random from their
repertoire. Those who choose poorly die. Those who choose
fortunately repeat their response in the future, much like
the pigeons that stand on one foot to induce grain to fall
from the sky because that was what they were doing when grain
was last scattered before them.
I opine that old Trofim Denisovich would feel vindicated.
It didn’t seem to take much.
From: dns
I resist to wait. I need full moneyback, or …
From: Jon Edelbaum
It is with truly great sadness that I am unable to find the 2005 awards.
Alas and alack, what is one to do, and be careful how you answer that!
From: Davgil
Some sites deserve a comment, most don’t. Yours does, this is mine.
From: Peter Neilson
In your web page
try clicking on the entry labelled “One liner book reviews.”
… continued on next rock
From: Alison Pakula
hello, you might want to change some of the title’s of Jane Austin’s
novels, as what you have written down is incorrect. It is “Cold
Persuasion”, “Pride and Prejudice”, “Mansfield Park” and “Sense and
Sensibility” rather than “Colt Persuasion”, “Pride and Precipe”,
“Winchester Park” and “Fence and Fencibility”.
Do you know (and I am sure you will be shocked to hear this)
there are people about who misspell “Jane Austen” as “Jane Austin”?
I regret to say that there are even people who never bother to
verify the research they do using the web, people who mistake
parody and satire for fact.
Be all of that as it may, I appreciate your writing and your
calling attention to this matter.
From: Beverly
I’ve been a reader of your website for about seven years now. It
is very entertaining and full of witty humour. That’s why I keep
coming back. Keep up the good work.
It was good to hear from you; thanks for writing.
From: Keith Sumrall
What is the threshold of the radiocarbon dating process? Can it
tell how old human bones are within a year or is it more like thousands of
years? Just curious for a story I am writing.
From: Tom Cicillini
you are an idiot.
From: Meredy Amyx
Hi, Richard,
No, I don’t think John had anything to do with the so-called Densa
quiz. If you’re talking about the one that starts with “Do they have a
Fourth of July in England,” that was on the xerox circuit before the
Internet was born; one of my teachers passed it out to my class when I was
in high school in the early 1960s, and I later saw it used as an icebreaker
at some kind of training session. It wasn’t called anything–it was just
an untitled list of mildly tricky questions.
I’ve seen another one somewhere that also calls itself a Densa test,
probably in a Mensa newsletter (though maybe not of Mensa origin). I
believe it turned up long after Densa was invented, and I feel confident in
saying that John had no part in its authorship. The Densa idea was not an
end in itself, and I never knew him to have any interest in developing it
beyond the aim for which it was created. John used Densa for setups for
matrix puzzles–you know, the sort that consist of a series of statements
from which you have to figure out who lives in the green house and who owns
the zebra. He used Densans as characters in the storylines that formed the
basis of the fictitious content to which the puzzle logic was applied. His
original Densa puzzle and an account of its history are appearing in a
Mensa publication next month in an article under my byline.
You could be right that someone other than John came up with the Densa
concept independently. But it is also true that John did come up with it,
and came up with it first. If someone else did so later, without being
influenced by John’s creation (which would have to mean not being a Mensan
and not seeing Mensa newsletters), that would be pretty hard to prove or
However, the Mensa world is pretty small, all in all, and back in those
days any mention in, say, a newspaper crossword puzzle or a TV show was a
big deal. If someone outside Mensa had created such a parody and published
it on a big enough scale to get known, someone in Mensa would have heard of
it and passed it along. I was very close to the national organization
throughout most of two decades, mid-seventies to mid-nineties, and would
have been sure to hear of such a thing.
It is also easy to say how obvious the idea is after it’s been pointed out;
see Picasso’s “Head of a Bull” for a prime example of that phenomenon.
I enjoyed “The Chameleon.”
Ever hear of Howard Chace, author of Anguish Languish? He used to sign his
letters “Sin-cheerily.” Your closing made me think of him.
The content of the densa quiz precedes the title. I don’t recall seeing it
circulating in xeroxed sheets but I am sure you are right.
The title, however, appears to have originated in Judging from
my searches it appears that there were two different densa.coms, one circa 1999
and one circa 2005. The earlier one had the quiz which circulated in email; the
latter has quite a number of links including quizzes.
To be honest, I was never very enthusiastic about the matrix puzzles nor the
various truth-teller/liar puzzles. Once you have gone through a few they are
all much the same. I rather liked the Caliban’s will puzzle (I have a copy
at by Dudeney. A good puzzle makes
your jaw drop.
I hadn’t heard of Howard Chace. If I get a chance I shall check him out.
The odds are against it – nowadays my backlog of books to read keeps growing.
Again, thanks for writing and keep up the good work.
From: Labove8
i stumbled onto this site and love it.keep it up
From: tasha
im doing a home project on the sioux for fun and wanted to know if
you could email me some info because its hard to find the right
stuff i need?
could you?
please and thankyou!!:)
just send some basic things because im very busy and would
LOVE to finish my project as i find it of the most facinating people
and how they lived and saw the land and the world and ofcourse
the white people!
… continued on next rock
hello, im tasha, and i was wondering if u could help me in the sioux
children section because i cant seem to find ANY good info on them
eg-education, living style, work, ect
If you do a google search on Lakota you will turn up many pages; there
should be something there that you can use.
From: Anthony R. Lewis, PhD.
Dear Mr. Harter,
apparently South Dakota has stolen Spring from New Enlgand. Please
return it.
Index of contributors
Other Correspondence Pages
Date: 6/20/2005
Subj: Canonicity of Star Wars Games
LucasFilms Ltd. 2
LucasArts Games 2
Dark Horse Graphics 5
Scholastic Books 8
Del Rey Books 8*
*plus novelizations of Episodes II and III.
I think you are telling me more about Star Wars literature than I really
needed to know.
Of course it is your job to know. What, precisely, that “to know”
covers is established by what you know. (Or so I am given to
understand from “The Time Traveller’s Guide To The Recursive Arluis”.)
Return to index of contributors
Date: 6/20/2005
Subj: Flying to Denver
When Deb flew out to Boston last year it turned out that a one way ticket
cost quite a bit more than a round trip ticket. Go figure.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 6/18/2005
Subj: i need moneyback asap
You really shouldn’t do that do. You might not
be the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but it’s
not right to go around calling yourself “a sap”.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 5/18/2005
Subj: Yet another question about hashing
H(K, p + 1) = (H(K, p) + h2(K)) & mask
K being the key and p being the probe number. The mask would be set every
time you set the table size.
My apologies for not getting back to you; life has been rather busy recently.
I have followed the usenet discussion on hashing; it has been informative.
My preference is for chaining – it is flexible and makes for easy changes of
table size.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 6/14/2005
Subj: “Thoughts on Update as a Software Maintenance Tool”
I hadn’t heard about UPDATE-PLUS. I did know that the later versions of CDC Update
provided for automatic difference calculation. The core Aide-de-Camp (later TrueChange)
owed a lot to CDC Update. It has change-sets that are yankable (with a different
terminology.) It doesn’t have editable change decks though – it uses automatic
difference calculation.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 6/11/2005
Subj: link exchange request
URL :-
DES :-flowers and roses: cheap flowers, birthday
flowers, mothers day flowers
Somehow I doubt that you really do want a link
exchange with my site – at least there is no
rational reason why you would want one. For that
matter I wonder what search criteria you used that
might possibly suggest that my site would be a good
candidate for a link exchange. Could it be that you
looked for all sites containing the word “flower”?
Return to index of contributors
Date: 6/13/2005
Subj: san language
That’s rather neat. As it happens I don’t have a middle initial,
let alone one that is a vowel, so I can’t name it after myself.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 6/13/2005
Subj: dude, i need my money – 2
Hey dude, I need your money too. Send
some more; the last batch has run out.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 6/13/2005
Subj: sith love
This business of keeping people from dying has rather vague boundaries.
He kept Anakin from dying so we can give him some credit for having
the power to keep people from dying. In the case of Padme, however,
what was needed was the power to void a prophecy. It is possible
that Sidious could have stopped her from dying if he had been present,
though what she would have been like is open to question; she would have
been physically alive with no will to live.
Perhaps Sidiouse didnt create Anakin but his master (before being
murdered in his sleep) had, after all Anakin was 8 years old when he
was discovered. With another year gestation thats 9 years to train up
maul (after all the Sith dont mind how old a force attuned individual
is and there are those strong with the force who arent Jedi). All that
time he could have been turning Doku, and the other Jedi who ordered
the clone army.
Almost certainly Sidious was the “other Jedi” who ordered the clone
army. He set up the training so that the clones would respond to
order 66 without question.
The whole business may have been a deception by Sidiouse who would
undoubtedly have known about the love Anakin had for Amidala and would
not have been doing his homework if he hadn’t looked up the prophecy
of the one who will bring balance to the force. If it was not common
knowledge he could have got the information from the Jedi he turned in
order to create the army of the republic. I dont like that line of
thought because if there is one thing the chancellor has he is honest,
“from a certain point of view”.
Telling the truth is the most delicious form of lying.
Magus doing things like stopping people from dieing and creating the
chosen one might not have been such a bad guy. I detected a note of
annoyance when Sidiouse mentioned stopping people from dieing and for
the Sith to remain hidden for such a long time may mean that there
intensions where not the same before Sidiouse took power. Its unlikely
that the Sith had good intensions however but I wouldnt put it past
them to have been plotting it for allot longer than the film implies
being able to see into the future is not just a Jedi trick and with
the two of them Plagus and Sidiouse.
Good point.
The only person who could tell us what happened is George and I think
he must have stopped taking calls about this one by now. I played a
few computer games by Lucus arts and they had allot of Sith bad guys
in them one even had an academy of Sith trainee types who had to kill
each other in order to progress. Another where they had a big gun of
some sort and a fleet of ships anyway hope you enjoyed the film.
I doubt that the computer games are canon. The movies and their
novelizations are. I have an impression that the authorized
novels are also canon.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 6/10/2005
Subj: microevolution squirrels
An evolutionary just-so story might run something like
this: Squirrels have two options available to them –
run zig-zag to avoid predators, and run straight away
to get out of the way of galumphers (creatures that might
step on them). The choice of strategy being fundamental
to survival, it is genetically determined. In the past
century the number of wolves has declined dramatically
whereas the number of automobiles has increased dramatically.
The straight-aways survive and natural selection triumphs.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 6/11/2005
Subj: dude, i need my money
No full moneyback here. Try the NFL; maybe you can
get some fullback money.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 6/8/2005
Subj: Darwin Awards, 2005
You time travellers are all alike, always being pushy.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 6/8/2005
Subj: Richard Harter’s World
And an admirably concise comment it was, too.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 6/1/2005
Subj: try this …
I don’t quite know how that happened (it must be
doing) but I will attend to this matter almost immediately.
Just so.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 5/23/2005
Subj: Thanks
The noted British author, Jane Austen, did indeed write
“Pride and Prejudice” etc. However she is not the celebrated,
albeit fictitious author, “Calamity Jane” Austin, whose works
are detailed in the bibliography page on my web site.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 6/1/2005
Subj: Thanks
Thank you for the kind words – those are the kind of words I like to receive.
Seven years is quite a long time. There aren’t many who have been reading my
from its beginning but there are some. Why I heard from one just the other day.
He wrote in crayon of course. Poor chap, they won’t let him have anything
Return to index of contributors
Date: 6/2/2005
Subj: question about radiocarbon dating
It’s inbetween. gives an accuracy of plus
or minus 16 years for modern liquid scintillation dating. I hope this helps.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 6/3/2005
Subj: Top 10 Philosophy questions response
Many have said it, and I applaud you for being among
their number, particularly since it appears that your
conclusion is based upon a paucity of evidence, with that
evidence being of a dubious sort in part and in whole. One
can only admire such a triumph of imagination over
Return to index of contributors
Date: 5/23/2005
Subj: Densa
Thanks for writing back. I did some web searches and I think that the situation
is this: There were some independent inventions of the term “densa” outside of
Mensa; however the usage within Mensa clearly is based on John’s version.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 5/27/2005
Subj: love it
I shall. It is my duty to do so for the sake of my
admiring readers – both of them.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 5/23/2005
Subj: hello
Your best bet is to do a google search on Sioux. I do have a web page,
Decline and Fall of the Sioux Nation,
that has some material, albeit
not a lot. My apologies if this isn’t much help. If you have more
specific questions feel free to write; I may be of help.
can u help me?
if so tnx a bunch!
I’m afraid I can’t help you much there except for this: The South
Dakota PBS has a wonderful history program that they sometimes run late
at night about growing up as Sioux and growing up as Pioneer.
If you can find their address they may be able to help you.
Here are some web sites you might check:
Return to index of contributors;=67
Date: 5/23/2005
Subj: A bad spell of wheather
But of course you may have it back – once we are done with it.
Would the fourth of July be alright?
Return to index of contributors
This page was last updated June 22, 2005.
It was moved UGUST 6, 2005