This a traditional letter column.
You are encouraged to write a letter of comment on anything that you
find worthy of comment. It will (may) be published in this column along
with my reply. As editor I reserve the right to delete material;
however I will not alter the undeleted material. E-mail to me that solely
references the contents of this site will be assumed to be publishable
mail. All other e-mail is assumed to be private. And, of course, anything
marked not for publication is not for publication. Oh yes, letters of
appreciation for the scholarly resources provided by this site will be
handled very discreetly. This page contains the correspondence for
January 2003.
Some of it is a little ancient; I’m slowly catching up – very slowly.
From: r_and_r
It seems your web site has either disappeared, or been moved to parts
unknown. Have you been kidnaped by pigmies an forced to teach them
transcendental yodeling? Or perhaps you have become entangled with a
obscure Cult that has keep 24 hour stakeouts at K-Marts in hopes
of spotting Elvis ? Or possibly something bizarre has happened? please
advise : RJO
From: brew
I have thoroughly enjoyed your web page. Thanks for writing it down.
From: David Windsor
I’ve been reading the stuff on your site for quite a while now, and have
always enjoyed the humorous, the philosophical, and the erudite items you
have posted (as well as the rest, of course). Your items, along with the
Letters pages, expose me to many points of view different from my own and
sometimes make me think things through. A good thing.
Sorry Mark, but we’ve got another bad one in your favorite
pesthole. Harter’s world has crossed lines with another
space-time continuum – again. The immediate symptom is a
letter column from another universe. Check it out, see how
bad it is, and fix it.
FROM: Mark Trice, Field Agent, Reality Repair Service
Got it. It was a shorted out, virtual reality cross-bar.
Nothing serious except that a reader noticed the anomaly.
Isn’t there any way we can shut that thing down? It has
more reality leaks than a congressional committee.
FROM: Polonius Felonius, Space-Time Continuity Preservation Dept.
Sorry, no can do. He has pull; the wife of the Secretary of
Reality has a thing about bad poetry. Don’t worry about the
reader. He will be dealt with.
From: David-Glenn Anderson
I am doing a presentation at Life, the Universe & Everything symposium,
SF in the classroom.
The Cold Equations by Tom Godwin is an example I will use. I need to
include more identification on your
The Cold Equations: A Critical Study
such as your name.
From: Harthugkm
what is a better understanding of what fossilization really is?
From: Chris
I hope you get this email, I too was a Marine at Camp Lejeune 89-94 and I
found your “short stories” from there quite funny. I also love math and
have a B.S. in computer science. Your entire site was excellent! Most
people think I am too nerdy to have been in the Corps, what the F* do they
know about Marines though!
From: Don Crowder
I’m posting a link to the “Moishe and the Pope” story in the humor section
of our ezine, and I included a link to your home page after looking your
site over. A reader sent me the story, and I’d rather post a link than a
lot of text since I have trouble keeping my publication size within limits
so I used Google to search out a web page that published the story. Your
site was the first on the list that didn’t have a pop-up.
From: Charles Hitchcock
I recall you having an exchange with somebody on this some time
moderately recently (I thought), but don’t find “reserves” in any
of the past several months’ letters. Was I hallucinating? If not,
can you point me to this? I’m dealing with a conservative who is
arguing that our discoveries have continued to go up and would
like to point to sources.
From: Justin
Apparently god is angered by the news of his non-existence since the
link to the page disproving him seems to be severed.
Index of contributors
Other Correspondence Pages
Date: 07/06/2002
Subj: whatup?
Let it never be said that I am slow in responding to my email. The new
web site address is . As you surmised I was
indeed kidnapped by an obscure cult of alien pygmies who wanted to grind
my bones to use as a condiment in their salads in lieu of plastic
parmesan cheese. I only escaped by introducing them to grilled Velveeta
and Spam sandwiches.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 12/20/2002
Subj: fan mail
My apologies for not replying sooner. It’s bad when your late email
piles up on your virtual desk and overflows on your virtual floor.
In any event, thanks for the kind words.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 01/03/2003
Subj: Very Much Enjoy Your Site
I thank you for your approval.
I read your latest updates today, January 3, 2003, and I noticed, to my
amazement, that your latest Letters page is from the future! Not only are
there 12 missives from the future, dated from January 6, 2003 (next
Monday) through January 23, 2003, but your page was last updated next
January 24. I’m tempted to ask Dr. Science
( how you did this. I was also
surprised to see that this letter I’m writing now was not there. Did my
email break when I tried to send it in the next few minutes?
The following which I happened upon by chance may clarify things a bit.
Return to index of contributors
FROM: Polonius Felonius, Space-Time Continuity Preservation Dept.
I’m quite sure that this doesn’t refer to you, but I would keep a
sharp eye out for Men In Black if I were you.
TO: Mark Trice, Field Agent, Reality Repair Service
SUBJ: Another anomaly in Richard Harter’s World
TO: Polonius Felonius, Space-Time Continuity Preservation Dept.
SUBJ: Another anomaly in Richard Harter’s World
TO: Mark Trice, Field Agent, Reality Repair Service
SUBJ: Another anomaly in Richard Harter’s World
Date: 01/19/2003
Subj: Cold Equations
My name is Richard Harter, and I am the author of the piece in question.
If you need any other information, please write.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 01/12/2003
Subj: fossilization
I’m not sure what you have in mind with your question. However I
will suggest that you look at
which gives a layman’s level overview. If you have further
questions, feel free to write back.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 01/21/2003
Subj: Loved your Marine Corps pages
Thanks for writing; kind words are always appreciated. I suppose that
the weapons that you used were different than the ones I used except
for the most important element of all – the individual Marine. Be that
as it may, many sorts of people can and have been Marines.
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Date: 01/08/2003
Subj: I enjoyed your site
We don’t pop-ups here. We do windows reluctantly but we don’t clean them.
I enjoyed your site, but noticed that you didn’t have alt tags on any of
your images. It’s not just “fashionable” to use alt tags. For some people
it’s very helpful. Anyway, you might consider it.
True. I should do it – what I should do is write a script to go through
all of my oodles of pages and fix them up. As soon as the pigs that flew
south for the winter fly back north I will get right to it. In the mean
time I shall remain in a state of gracelessness.
Don Crowder [email protected]
Site editor for Phil & Moke’s Secret Free Place
(Aw go ahead, have a look!)
Nice site; I like it.
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Date: 01/12/2003
Subj: shortage of new petroleum discoveries
See Oilcrisis.htm
referenced in the editorial entitled
Does your mother know you do that?.
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Date: 12/31/2003
Subj: linkage
I informed God of His oversight and He charitably restored the link.
He thanks you for your consideration.
Return to index of contributors
This page was last updated January 27, 2003.
It was reformatted and moved February 20, 2006