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August 2000

The Most Dangerous Animal

There’s a famous fable concerning a skunk, a lion and a hawk who were debating as to which one was the most dangerous and feared animal in the jungle.

The hawk claimed top dog: “I win because I hit ’em from above, and from above, I have the best view of all. I can see things nobody else can!”

The lion rejoined: “Nonsense! I’m the most powerful animal of all, with the longest, sharpest teeth and claws. I’m the most dangerous, for sure!”

Then the skunk said: “I can stink up the whole jungle and run out every man or beast in the territory.”

And so they argued, on and on, until a big old bear came along and swallowed the three of them, Hawk, Lion and Stinker!

This page was last updated August 13, 2000.

table of contents
August 2000