The reincarnation gameRecently I have been reading a rather interesting book entitled Hamlet on the Holodeck which looks into the changes in literature made possible by the computer. Briefly, technology enables interactive, non-linear, participatory narrative. I decided to add my own little bit to the field. Rather than doing still another fantasy based dungeons and dragons game world I wanted to do something different. What I came up with is The Reincarnation Cycle in which you live one life after another. In each life you are presented with various choices which affect how the current life turns out and what your next life might be. The background is vaguely oriental and is modelled on the Chinese Empire. Following Hindu belief, however, history is cyclical and eternal. There is a great cycle of time; in your reincarnations you move from one age to the next in endless cycles. The current implementation has a few hundred files; the technology is simple and is web based – you move from one file to another following links. In principle you can get off the cycle by seeking and finding enlightenment. Suggestions for improvements are always welcome. Over time I expect to elaborate it.
The reincarnation game was last updated March 8, 2002. |