This a traditional letter column.
You are encouraged to write a letter of comment on anything that you
find worthy of comment. It will (may) be published in this column along
with my reply. As editor I reserve the right to delete material;
however I will not alter the undeleted material. E-mail to me that solely
references the contents of this site will be assumed to be publishable
mail. All other e-mail is assumed to be private. And, of course, anything
marked not for publication is not for publication. Oh yes, letters of
appreciation for the scholarly resources provided by this site will be
handled very discreetly. This page contains the correspondence for
February 2006.
From: Peter Neilson
Apparently flynnd is still on vacation somewhere in Flynnmark.
Regardless, it has sent the following report.
Here is a list of obvious errors in
Please apply the obvious corrections.
[snip long list of blatant typoes]
The corrections will be made fifthwith (fifthwith is
a bit slower than forthwith).
… continued on next rock …
I think that destroying one’s kitchen just might be the right way to
prepare for travelling to Italy, given that the Italian food in Germany
is so much better than that in Italy. Or so I have heard.
By the way, avoid Chinese food in Germany – half an hour later and
you’re hungry for power.
From: Colin Steytler
To whomever reads this letter.
Who am I? Well, no one special. Just a random being that
was lucky enough to have evolved!
Who am I? Well, I am a child of God, made in His image and beloved
of Him. I am created and planned by God.
Hope you made the right choice, and don’t hesitate to mail me if
you want to ask anything!
From: Holly Fritchman
Hi I have an old book written by Hugh Miller – date of book is 1856 –
title: Foot-Prints of the Creator. Inside jacket has the name of John
Haldeman – November 1856.
Under a picture of Miller in the beginning of the books is a notation
saying – “Yours very truly – Hugh Miller”
Can you give me any information on this book???
Miller was a popular author in his time. He is important to those
of us interested in the creationist movement because he was one of
the group of writers who were both theologians and geologists at a
time when it had recently become clear that the Earth was quite old
and that Genesis was not factual history.
As to the value of the book I don’t imagine that it is high – Miller
may have been popular in his day but as far as I know he is not
prized by collectors. Still, it has value, and I would commend that
you treat it well.
From: Chip Hitchcock
I’m catching up slowly and tripped over Bridge I (October), in which you
describe the probable distribution of 5 cards over 2 hands by
From: Davida Kristy
Is Richard Harter the author of
“Zhandivar” and
“The Raven King”. When were they written?
To what does “Elonian” refer?
Elonia is a mythical setting, permitting both a place and
time for the poems, and an atmosphere of ambiguous fractured
reality as well. Elonia and Zhandivar are myths to each
other but sometimes there are passages between them.
From: barehams
Hi hon,
I found this recipe, and just thought I would like to have some for dinner.
Luv you,
From: 2cjb1
I have read a genetics related internet page and have a question. I am
wondering why exposure to mutagenic substances, or to large doses of
radiation is harmful? It would seem to me that since beneficial mutations
are rare, when a large number of mutations occur over a relatively short
period of time in an individual, the interconected functioning of genes
(some genes may produce specific proteins, or enzymes, while other genes
may act as regulators switching genes “on ” or “off”) creates the
potential for serious problems. Thus being exposed to mutagenic
substances, or high doses of radiation is always harmful. Is this
By the way, most mutations are neither beneficial nor harmful. Of the
ones that are, most are harmful, but there is a fair number that might
be either, depending on the environment.
From: Mani Malagon
What a great website. Thx for all the work.
From: Chip Hitchcock
“Nothing can stop her, nothing can catch my 409” — the Beach Boys.
(Somebody with better Google-fu than I have, or more patience, can probably
find a complete set of lyrics.)
From: bauhaus
From: Michel Durinx
In your letters column (jan 2006) you wrote:
Therefore, if the casual reader of science columns gets the idea as
presented for a decade by the established popularisers, and follows in
their analogies and presentations, that’s hardly an error… Even
most biologists will still have an idea of a genotype-phenotype map,
whether using it as reality or approximation.
To tell the truth, I doubt that Dawkins has had much to do with the
course of scientific research. The books that he is noted for are
popularizations, and the content is too mushy to inspire research
Index of contributors
Other Correspondence Pages
Date: 1/30/2006
Subj: Report from Flynnmark
Would you believe that I typed that up late at night
while also destroying my kitchen and preparing to go
to Italy? I hope so, it’s a good story, and I’m
sticking to it.
The rule of thumb in Italy is that tourist restaurants are suspect,
a tourist restaurant being one in which the menu is printed in both
Italian and English. We had some really wonderful meals in Italy
and some that, ah, well, weren’t quite so wonderful.
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Date: 1/30/2006
Subj: On evolution!
That would be me, Richard Harter
In response to your article/lamentations about fundamentalist
creatonists, I write thus.
It would have been better if you had mentioned which article you
were responding to; I have written quite a few articles on a
surprising variety of topics.
Firstly, I do believe in a Creator of the universe, and I do
believe that He created it in days. If there is no creator
then what are the answers to the following questions?
As a note, populations and species evolve, individuals don’t.
Be that as it may, I commend your perspicacious observation
that you are a random being.
Where did I come from? From a rock, millions of year ago!
(That is ultimately what it comes down to)
Well no, it doesn’t.
Why am I here? Because I was very lucky!
You are here because I am very unlucky.
Where am I going when I die? To the earth, and get recycled.
That certainly where your body is going. As to “you”, that is a
different matter. If we have “souls” as part of our identity
(I doubt that we do, but the matter is scarcely settled) then “we”
might get reincarnated, be absorbed in the world soul, move to
paradise, or any of many other possibilities.
The direct consequence of this view is that no one has a purpose,
thus making life a bit of a meaningless exercise, which in my
opinion is one of the main causes of depression. I would be
depressed if I thought my life is woth nothing and has no
ultimate purpose. Furthermore, it allows the post-modernistic
view of “everything goes”. Whereby whatever you think is right
and would make you happy you can do, because you are the ‘god’ of
your own universe. Hence, suicide bombings, drug problems, etc.
etc. Nothing is morale anymore.
I appreciate your sentiments even though your opinions are mostly
codswallop. Still, isn’t it rather presumptious to demand that the
universe have a grand purpose in which you have a central place?
Most of us, be we atheist or Christian or Muslim or Buddhist manage
to find meaning in our lives.
Lets answer these questions from a Creator point of view:
Where did I come from? I was created abd ordained by God.
Why am I here? Because God planned for me to be here and has given
me a purpose to live for in this life. Exciting hey!
Where am I going when I die? Well, I believe that you either go to
heaven or to hell, for eternity.
One of the confusions you have is that you confuse body and soul.
As a Christian you should clear your mind of these confusions.
Enough about the evolution thing. What concerns me most is your
apparent lack of relationship with the living God, Jesus Christ.
He saved me in a big way in 2003, when I found out that despite
what I do, He loves me, and He wants me to live and have life
abundantly. I accepted Jesus as Lord of my life and He came and
changed my life, from being an unhappy, living only for the next
party bloke. He has given me great friends in church and though
you might think of people in church as raging religious zealouts,
out to spoil a good time and condemn people, that is not what we
are or supposed to do.
I expect that it is better that you be a Christian than a next party
bloke. It’s easier on your liver for one thing.
The fact is that we will one day die, and then where are you
going. If you die in sin, well then you go to hell. If you give
your heart to Jesus, He will save you and you will one day join
me and Him in heaven forever. Jesus died for us on the cross, so
that we can be free and saved. If yo would only accept Him in
your heart and confess that He is God. Then Jesus wil come and
change you and make you extremely happy. Jesus is coming, that’s
unavoidable. He is coming to a city near you! Heaven or hell,
it is your choice to make right now! This very moment!
Er, well, I don’t quite think so. I suspect that Christianity does
less damage than LSD, but I don’t want to muddle my mind with either
one. That’s just a personal prejudice of course, so don’t mind me.
[snip prayers and proselyting]
You know, I do believe I have made the right choice. Be that as it may,
I think we have exhausted the possibilities of this exchange.
I do thank you for writing though.
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Date: 2/6/2006
Subj: Hugh Miller/book
Unfortunately I can’t really tell you much about it. There is a
Hugh Miller home page,, that has a fair amount
of information about the man and his work, though not as much as
I would like. I tried to find a reference to the relevant John
Haldeman but was unsuccessful.
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Date: 2/7/2006
Subj: bridge
3-2 156/230 = 67.8% (20 cases)
4-1 65/230 = 28.3% (10 cases)
5-0 9/230 = 3.9% ( 2 cases)
By the binomial theorem the case count is correct but the percentages are
off (s/b 62.5/31.25/6.25). Where does the 230 come from? I’ve been
wondering at the percentages quoted by Stewart (syndicated in the local
paper); is there something the binomial theorem omits, or some common
reference using another branch of mathematics?
You have to take into account that the probability of a card being in one
hand or the other depends upon how many cards are already known in the two
hands. To take a simple example, consider the probable distribution of
3 cards in two hands. The first card may be placed in either hand. Call
it hand A, with the other being hand B. To get a distribution of 3-0 the
second and third cards must also be placed in hand A. When the second card
is placed there are 12 places open in hand A and 13 in hand B, so the
chance that it goes into hand A is 12/25. When the third card is placed
there are now 11 places open in hand A and 13 in hand B so the chance that
the third card goes into hand A is 11/24. Thus the probability that both
go into hand A is (12/25)*(11/24) = (11/50) = 22%. The bridge players
call this the principle of restricted choice, but it is really just basic
Coming soon, to an amusement park near you: Pascal’s tetrahedron!
Given that there are no amusement parks near me, can we have a Moebius
strip instead. (I leave it to the reader to decide whether a
Moebius strip is a ride or a girly show.)
Return to index of contributors
Date: 2/6/2006
Subj: author?
Richard Harter (me) is indeed the author of “Zhandivar”
and “The Raven King”. Both were written in 1998. A
third in the setting, “The keeper of her soul” also was
written in 1998. There is a fourth poem in the series,
“The Troll Queen”, which is incomplete.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 1/20/2006
Subj: hey
Would you make it 4 me…puleeze????
call me and let me know what time dinner is at…
Save a seat for me.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 1/9/2006
Subj: Genetic mutation
You are more or less correct. Cells have elaborate biological machinery
for keeping DNA replication accurate. This machinery has a cost in terms
of energy and quickness of cell replication. In consequence the error
checking is no better than it has to be, on average. High levels of
mutagens (chemicals or radiation) tend to overwhelm the machinery.
This varies with species; bacteria that live in nuclear reactor cooling
water have extra efficient error correction.
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Date: 1/24/2006
Subj: (website)
You’re welcome. May you find much in it that
tickles your fancy.
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Date: 1/21/2006
Subj: 808
I needed that. I really needed that, but I haven’t the
foggiest idea why.
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Date: 1/18/2006
Subj: (none)
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Date: 1/13/2006
Subj: genomes and information
The fundamental point where you go wrong (a natural error for
those of us working with computers) is to think of the genome as a
program specifying the structure of the phenotype.
While I agree with the rest of that answer and overal with the whole
response, it is fair to point out that this error is not so much due
to the reader having a digital mind but to the research programme
pushed by Dawkins’ erroneous `selfish gene’ viewpoint. This has
distorted the money and hence view of the scientific community at
large for a long time culminating into the Human Genome Project race.
That failed to deliver what was expected for very obvious reasons —
start with wrong idea, don’t get expected answer — but found a
multitude of other insights as collateral discoveries.
I’m sorry, but I don’t much agree. Dawkins was a proponent of the
“genome as recipe” metaphor. This doen’t mean, of course, that his
“selfish gene” metaphor didn’t inspire the “digital program” metaphor
but the connection seems rather vague. The genotype-phenotype map
mode of thinking has been around since the early twentieth century.
It is scarcely fair to blame it on Dawkins. Likewise the concept of
genome as digital program has been around ever since the discovery
of the structure of DNA and the genetic code.
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