This a traditional letter column.
You are encouraged to write a letter of comment on anything that you
find worthy of comment. It will (may) be published in this column along
with my reply. As editor I reserve the right to delete material;
however I will not alter the undeleted material. E-mail to me that solely
references the contents of this site will be assumed to be publishable
mail. All other e-mail is assumed to be private. And, of course, anything
marked not for publication is not for publication. Oh yes, letters of
appreciation for the scholarly resources provided by this site will be
handled very discreetly. This page contains the correspondence for
July 2003.
Some of it is a little ancient; I’m slowly catching up – very slowly.
From: Levi Sauerbrei
I have been reading your website for a few years
now and have often recommended you to friends. I
am continually amazed at the level of content you
continually post.
That’s not entirely true; most of the jokes come from
various mailing lists. Of those I read I pick about one
out of twenty as meeting my high standards. From time
to time I run guest articles; see the “guest material”
page for a probably incomplete listing. Of these, only
a small handful were submitted. I solicited the rest of
them; most of them originally appeared as usenet postings.
This, by the way, is one of the little secrets of this
sort of thing. You don’t wait for people to come to you;
you go to them. One source for material is usenet. As
you read newsgroups you find every once in a while that
people write something amusing and interesting, something that
tickles your fancy. Ask them if you can reprint it. Violet,
you have some material.
Then there is the matter of getting a readership. It turns
out that I solved that, albeit by accident. The trick is
to have a few pages that people are going to find via the
search engines, e.g., a recipe for whole roast camel.
Once people find your site via a portal page (a page that
gets them into your site) they will often look around a bit
to see if there is anything else interesting. Over time you
will build up a readership IF YOU KEEP ADDING NEW MATERIAL.
Anyway, that is how it worked for me.
From: Charles Hitchcock
And when did you last have instruments that could measure a substance
to five significant figures? (The last one I had sat on a 500-pound
stone table in sandboxes on rubber pads — try putting that/ in your
lady-friend’s kitchen!) Reminds me of the later Riverworld books, in
which somebody converted the round numbers of feet into exact numbers
of meters. … continued on next rock …
Or the “Harvard” bridge, or the Hancock building….
From: Charles Hitchcock
Rent The Harrad Experiment — it’s mostly pretty lame, but the Ace
Trucking Company skit on group marriage is fun.
… continued on next rock …
They managed it quite well thirty years ago. I remember being asked
how another cast member’s phone number could be one digit off mine
when her address was at the other end of the campus; I found out how
at a fire alarm a couple of weeks later.
From: Deborah Shaull
My Dearest Richard,
Yes I do immensly dislike that cap. Burning it
would be too kind. Blowing it up would be much better. At 59 you are
much too young to wear that cap.
Yours, Deborah
… I do know how to make nitroglycerine. If we soaked the cap in
nitro it could pass for gun cotton.
From: Nathan Childers
To Whom It May Concern:
I was recently informed by a friend that your site had a negative and
false portrayal of me as an artist. A Mark A. Harris wrote to you
regarding the article posted on . I have to inform you
that Mr. Harris is entirely wrong about this article. In fact, I’d be
happy to send both of you a copy of the Rutland Herald so you can see for
yourself. Or I can have Caleb Kenna contact you personally. I am amazed
that you would post such a comment without even researching its validity.
If you go to you will quickly see that I am not a
fake! Also, feel free to email or call me from the numbers on the site so
we can discuss this mistake. I work VERY hard as an artist and educator
and I do not appreciate false claims. Thank you for your time.
Perhaps you can explain what you are objecting to once you have read
the letter.
Be that as it may I surmise that you are not familiar with your namesake,
that inimitable man of letters, Nathan Childers, author, poet, gourmet,
adventurer, lover, and fabrication. A home page of sorts for him can
be found at
Your namesake, you see, does not exist, at least as flesh and blood,
although he has existed within the pages of print and on the web for
some decades. To many of my readers he may be more real than you
yourself, even though you have the advantage of having more worldly
substance. Google evidently thinks so, giving his “home page” pride
of place if you search on “Nathan Childers”.
I wish you the best, of course, in your musical career.
From: Doug Riddle
I haven’t written in a while, OK a year or two. I
recommended your site to a friend recently though, and
decided to pop in for a perusal.
I saw your pictures “brown vs. white” I may give it a
shot. I did the died hair thing when I was
interviewing for a position last year and I got the
position. Why look old if you don’t have to? I don’t
feel as old as I look. Hell, I’d have to be dead to
feel that old!
From: Anthony R. Lewis
The cap makes all the difference.
From: Bob Tischendorf
Hello…. Enjoyed your grackle story and would like to know if the
“fortress” is commercially available or did your Mother build it?
The fortress is defunct. It was commercially available, but I have
not been able to find the original. I have acquired a replacement,
also called the fortress, that stops squirrels but not, alas, grackles.
My next try shall be to build a cage around the feeders using lattice
work open enough for the finches but small enough so the grackles
can’t get in.
From: Miriam Taylor
Where do I find this fortress???? I am tired of battleing the grackles! They are eating everything I put out!
Thanks for any help……….
I am not defeated though. I am going to build the cage. The cage will have
lattice work around it with holes large enough for finches to get through
but not grackles.
Can it possibly fail?
From: Ron Baer
Fun site – IS – the quirky golf site, will link to
your Geezer Exam from our whim link.
Nice site you have there.
From: pet
and results 🙂;=5&format;=graph&id;=630
From: Adam White
Hi ,
I came across the page
Do you know where I can find the original paper for this algorithm, or at
least the contact of the author that developed it??
Thanks Alot,
The secant I.F. for y = f(x) is
Although the two algorithms appear to be the same the convergence rates are quite
different. The interpolation I.F. has geometric convergence, and the rate is often
quite bad. The secant I.F. has a convergence rate of 1.62 (err_n = err_n-1**1.62).
Root finding algorithms can be used as table search algorithms. In this reformulation
the independent variable is the table index, i, and the dependent variable is the
array value, a[i], with the obvious qualification that the independent variable is
In vol 3, Sorting and Searching, Knuth meantions interpolation search (p 416-417)
and gives a 1957 reference within the computer literature. Knuth remarks that the
general experience with interpolation search is that for internal searches the
cost of the arithmetic more than offsets the savings due to a reduced number of
probes. The situation can be quite different for external searches.
There is no indication that I can see in Knuth’s text that he distinguishes between
secant search and interpolation search.
All of that said, I don’t know of a specific reference in the computer literature
for the secant search. I myself have used it twenty years ago or so, but I don’t
imagine that I was the first.
From: Daniel Yang
“Human brain
software” can completely solve the question as follows:
From: anne tarte
Would you know what “CAIN” means? You gave me an answer for AWOL a few
days ago, and I’m presently surfing on your pages, from the French
Riviera. I do appreciate them. BYE, and thanks anyway Anne
From: kryssie
I wonder if you can help me? Someone said recently to me that he thought
that I was a “keeper”. I did not understand what he was meaning and have therefore looked on your site in the hope that I would get an answer but
although I have read
The Keeper of Her Soul
I am still perplexed.
Can you give me any idea what he may have meant?
I thank you.
In my poem the word “keeper” is used in a different sense, that as of
being a custodian.
From: Tom Lankart
I came across your website a while ago and was wondering if you would like
to trade links with my new real estate website
If you would, simply visit and select the state
you serve. Then follow the linking instructions on that page. If your site
is international or more general simply use the “Other Sites” category.
Or you can just add a link to with the text
“Real Estate Guide USA” and I will add your site as soon as you email
me back.
Index of contributors
Other Correspondence Pages
Date: 7/17/2003
Subj: Advice for the novice
Thank you for the kind words.
A few friends and I have begun a web site
( where we hope to
collect odd bits of ideas and thoughts that we
can’t seem to find any outlet for elsewhere. The
Green Scissors name comes from those oddly out of
place scissors in elementary school. They were
built for left handers at a time when the school
systems still thought it was acceptable for
second graders to have sharp pointed implements
in the classroom.
I love the title. It really is a much better title
than “Richard Harter’s World” (too pedestrian) or
“Slum City of the Mind” (trite and pretentious.)
It reflects, when you know the origin, an idiosyncratic
and pleasantly quirky view of life.
I was curious as to how you began your website
and how you acquire some of the articles there?
We are hoping to slowly gather together a core
group of contributors for Green Scissors and
other than college english students, I am not
sure where to look for people who have an
interest in things that are not on TV.
As far as a material goes, I have an advantage over
you – I write my own stuff and consequently am not
dependent on a core group of contributors. The
disadvantage, of course, is that I have to write my
own material.
Thank you for continuing to host such a thought
provoking and entertaining site.
You’re welcome.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 7/17/2003
Subj: Engineering Recipe
typical engineering sloppiness. You don’t say which of the
many isomers of C12H22O11 to use, “albumen-coated protein” is an
oxymoron, and tallow comes fully hydrogenated.
I know. Dreadful isn’t it, the quality of engineers one gets these
days. You should have seen the work they did on the Ringworld.
Ah yes, the Hancock building. Does it still shed windows as though
they were dandruff?
Return to index of contributors
Date: 7/17/2003
Subj: 5 Secrets…
I read the book long ago but I’ve never seen the movie. An oddity
is that when the book was written colleges segregated men and women
as much as possible, whereas nowadays dorms tend to be integrated
sexually. True, they don’t make opposite sex room assignments, but
the students manage that on their own quite well, thank you.
Perhaps she was just visiting a friend and just happened to be doing
her laundry whilst visiting said friend, and perhaps she trusted said
friend to be gentlemanly and not take advantage of her while she got
all of her laundry done. Could this not have been an explanation?
Return to index of contributors
Date: 7/11/2003
Subj: Old Fart Hat
Blowing it up it shall be. If you had but expressed your desire a week and
a day earlier we could have filled it with firecrackers, put a bucket
over the cap, and lit the whole thing from a distance. The gun powder
encrusted fragments could then go on the fire and blaze merrily. As it
is we shall have to wait another year unless …
Return to index of contributors
Date: 7/9/2003
Subj: Contributor is incorrect!
I gather that you have not actually read the letter that you are
complaining about. The URL of the letter is:
Return to index of contributors
Date: 7/9/2003
Subj: You are still one of the most interesting alleys on the web!
That would have been in 1998. I keep records on these
things. Mind you, it’s not for myself. The FBI pays
me to keep track of these things.
You, my friend, are a complete nut case. One day I
hope to share a ward with you at the nutters webmaster
old folks home. I really hope they have an open bar
My dear sir, nut case is so declasse. I prefer to think
of myself as a practicing eclectic eccentric reflecting
the essence of idiosyncratic reality. Have another pecan?
I enjoy your site every time I drop by. BTW, Bailey’s
or Stolie provide equal enlightenment.
You should definitely work on looking younger. One of
the tricks to looking younger is to be more active. Change
channels once in a while; give that thumb a workout.
Love your site.
Thank you.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 7/4/2003
Subj: Before and after
Deborah agrees. She wants me to burn it.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 6/4/2003
Subj: grackle-proof feeder
My apologies for not answering more quickly. My life has been
complicated by large black dogs, rock walks, baking bread, designing
computer languages, building walls, and attacks of conscience for not
replying to my email expeditiously.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 6/20/2003
Subj: Grackles
The bad news is that the fortress doesn’t stop them; it stops squirrels but
not grackles. Grackles are smart birds – they figured out how to beat the
fortress and passed it on to the next generation.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 6/23/2003
Subj: IS liked your Geezer Exam
I’m not overly quick about answering email, so I suspect that I missed
my moment of glory. When I checked the whim link I got caught up in
Martha Stewart doing doily time.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 6/18/2003
Subj: Joke
Thanks for the link. Still, why do I need the Jerry Springer
show when I have my neighbours.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 6/11/2003
Subj: Secant Search
My apologies for not answering sooner. The secant algorithm and the
closely related interpolation algorithm in their root finding form (i.e.,
algorithms for finding a root x of the equation f(x)=0) are quite old,
dating back to Newton’s time. In Iterative methods for the Solution of
Equations Traub remarks (p109) (I.F. = iteration formula)
Return to index of contributors
The secant I.F., together with slight modifications thereof, must
share with Halley’s I.F. (Section 5.2) the distinction of being the
most often rediscovered I.F. in the literature.
He goes on to list texts where the secant I.F. is discussed, e.g. Bachmann,
Collatz, Hsu, Jeeves, Ostrowski, and Putzer. He says that the order seems
to have first been given by Bachmann (1954).
x_n+1 = x_n – y_n * d_n
d_n = (x_n – x_n-1)/(y_n – y_n-1)
The interpolation I.F. uses two points x_left, x_right such that y_left and
y_right are of opposite signs. A value of x is computed using the secant I.F.
formula. The corresponding value of y is computed. Then the new (x,y) replaces
one of the old (x,y) pairs, the pair such that the new y has the same sign as the
one it replaces, i.e., the zero is always bracketed.
Date: 6/15/2003
Subj: Human brain software
Does it work for cricket? My readers would not be interested
unless it worked for cricket.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 6/22/2003
Subj: information
CAIN means all sorts of things, depending on the context. Could you give
a heads up as to where the term is being used?
Return to index of contributors
Date: 7/01/2003
Subj: Can you help answer a question please?
It was a compliment to you. The word “keeper” in this context may come
from fishing. If you catch a fish that is too small or otherwise
undesirable you throw it back in the water – you don’t keep it. If it
is a desirable fish, one you wish to keep, then it is a keeper.
Return to index of contributors
Date: 7/1/03
Subj: additional link trade?
I’m not quite certain why you think that a link to a real estate website
would be appropriate for me. For that matter are you really sure that
you want potential customers looking at my site? Inquiring minds are
moderately interested.
Return to index of contributors
This page was last updated July 18, 2003.
It was reformatted and moved February 20, 2006