table of contents
June 2004

Suffering Idiots With Great Enthusiasm

One of the merits of talk.origins (and also its most striking defect) is the presence of persons who lack redeeming qualities together with an insistence upon displaying that lack. From time to time I would indulge myself by making a few barbed remarks about their deficiencies. For example I addressed one gentleman as follows:

While I am delighted to see, once again, your refreshing appearance in the environs of talk.origins, I am desolated to inform you that you have misaprehended the gentleman’s query.

He is not questioning your bizarre world view or your quaint collection of prejudices that you palm off as fact. He is asking if you have a native language, i.e. one that you can write coherently in.

Whatever your language (if any) is, it is not the language used at the American Red Cross. The people at the Red Cross use English. They write sentences that can be parsed. They spell words correctly. They use punctuation correctly. The speak intelligibly. They express themselves coherently. In short, they use the English language whereas you appear to have a language all of your own.

In the event that you find the above three paragraphs too hard to read I have appended a shortened version that you may be able to understand.

You don’t write too good.
You babble.
You’re stupid.
And your feet smell bad too.

This page was last updated June 1, 2004.

table of contents
June 2004