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February 2003

The Blind Golfer

A lady golfer who visits a driving range to tone up before a game, is about to tee off, when she notices the man next to her.

“Pardon me, sir” she said. “You are aiming in the wrong direction — back towards the golf shop.”

“Oi! – tanks for dat. Vitout you, I vouldn’t know. I’m blindt.” He then turns around and starts hitting out into the range. After a few minutes, he asks the lady how he is doing.

“Not bad.” she answers. “Most of your shots are straight and fairly long. Only a few of them are slicing.”

“Tanks, again, Missus,” he replies. “Vitout you telling, I vouldn’t know dese tings.”

A few shots later, he enquires again. “Do you mind I should ask a poisonal qvestion?”

“Not at all,” she replies.

“I don’t do vell vit the ladies. Am I ugly or fat?”

“You’re quite presentable,” she replies “I don’t think that should be a problem.”

Smiling now, he exults “Vat a relief. I vas always afraid to ask. Again, I got to tank you.”

He was about to hit another ball when the lady interrupts him.

“Do you mind if I give you a bit of advice?” she asks

“Soitenly! Listen, I’ll take all de help what youv’e got I vill take.” he answers.

“Lose the Jewish accent.” she replies. “You’re Chinese.”

This page was last updated February 1, 2003.

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February 2003