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April 2002

Stepping stones

The pope, Archbishop Tutu and the Rev Bakker are out sailing one day, when the wind drops and they are becalmed. Time passes. Eventually Bakker gets annoyed. “I’ve got a prayer meeting in half an hour” he says, steps out of the boat and walks across the water to the shore.

The pope and the archbishop are stunned. Eventually, Tutu announces : “Well, if that charletain can do it, so can I”. He steps out of the boat, and walks across the water, somewhat unsteadilly at first, and joins Bakker on the shore.

The two are watching the pope, alone in the boat, obviously uncertain whether to try the same thing. Bakker turns to Tutu, and asks “Shall we tell him about the stepping stones?”

Tutu looks at Bakker, even more puzzled. “What stepping stones?” he asks?

This page was last updated April 4, 2002.

table of contents
April 2002